Priority Mission: Mars

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[Jane's POV]

As soon as we had received the orders from Hackett, we shuttled off towards the mats archive. We take the shuttle and make our way to the facility

Joker: "I've been trying to reach Mars on secure channels

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Joker: "I've been trying to reach Mars on secure channels. No one's answering" he says to me

Jane: "Any sign of reaper activity?" I ask him, thinking the reapers might have already infiltrated the base

Joker: "Negative" he simply responds

Jane: "EDI?" I call out for an update

EDI: "The base appears to be online. It's possible the inhabitants were evacuated" she tells me

Jane: "We'll know soon enough. Be ready, Joker... Just in case" I order

Joker: "Roger that. Normandy out" he responds while I sit with my squad

The shuttle lands and we step out

Jame: "Still no contact from the base, but we've got a massive storm headed our way" he warns me and I nod

Jane: "How long until it hits?" I ask him

James: "Half hour, tops. After that, we're gonna have difficulty keeping up comms with the Normandy" he informs me

Jane: "Understood" I reply and we begin to make way but we see the massive sand storm in the distance

Jane: "Understood" I reply and we begin to make way but we see the massive sand storm in the distance

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James: "Damn, that's a huge storm. Looks much bigger in person" he says in awe

Kaiden: "Pretty average for mars, actually" he comments and while true... it's still massive

James: "I'm glad you're so optimistic" he says sarcastically

Kaiden: "We've got reapers invading earth, the stations offline... a little dust storm seems like the least of our worries" he points out and I agree

James: "Fair enough" he says shrugging

We drop down a bit and we see the corpses of two alliance soldiers

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