Recruiting The Warlord

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[Y/n's POV]

We're currently in the comm room talking with Jacob about garrus

Jacob: "Commander. We've done what we could for garrus, but he took a bad hit" he tells her and I resist the urge to say "You don't know anything about garrus. This won't even slow his ass down". By the look on Jane's face she's thinking the same

Jacob: "The Docs corrected with surgical procedures and some cybernetics. Best we can tell, he'll have full functionality, but..." he gets cut off when the door opens and garrus comes in looking fine but with a scar on his lower jaw

" he gets cut off when the door opens and garrus comes in looking fine but with a scar on his lower jaw

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Garrus: "Shepard. Y/n" he says in greeting

Jacob: "Tough son of a bitch. Didn't think he'd be up yet" he says

Y/n: "That's garrus being garrus. He's a tough bastard, that's for sure" I say smirking

Garrus: "Nobody would give me a mirror. How bad is it?" He asks in a joking tone

Y/n: "Hell, garrus, you were always ugly. Slap a fresh coat of paint on there, and no one will even notice" I say teasing him

Garrus: "Some women do find facial scars attractive, Y/n. Mind you most of those women are krogan..." He says joking

Y/n: "Can agree to that, Garrus. Mine's been driving Jane wild" I joke again and both garrus and I see Jane roll her eyes and shakes her head knowing I'm right and we both chuckle

Then Jacob salutes Jane and leaves

Garrus: "Frankly, I'm more worried about you. Cerberus, Shepard? You remember those sick experiment they were doing?" He asks her

Jane: "That's why you're here, Garrus. If I'm walking into hell, I want someone I trust at my side" she tells him and she's right. We both know that we'd need garrus

Garrus: "You do realize this plan has me walking into hell with you?" He asks her

Y/n: "Of course. That's the fun parts isn't it?" I say joking

Garrus: "Hah. Just like old times" He say smiling but struggling do to her injuries

Garrus: "I'm fit for duty whenever you need me, Shepard. I'll settle in and see what I can do at the forward batteries" he says and then heads off

Y/n: "Not even here 10 minutes and he's calibrating our weapon systems" I say chuckling with Jane while we shake our heads. I go to leave but I get pulled to the side by Jane

Jane: "I need to ask something before you go" she says seriously and I know this isn't for laughs

Y/n: "Of course, Jane. What's up?" I ask her and she takes a deep breathe

Jane: "I've been gone for two years. Tell me... have you moved on?" She asks me and that actually hurt me

Y/n: "Jane. There's nobody in this whole damn galaxy that would make me even think of moving on. I joined aria, shut off my emotions and was nothing more than a weapon. I never even smiled knowing I lost you. You were, are and always will be my everything. Do you remember a few days before you got spaced? Me telling you there was something I wanted to ask once we're on leave?" I ask emotionally

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