Loyalty mission: Miranda

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[Y/n POV]

I'm currently making my way through illium as Miranda told me about a rendezvous with a salarian named Lanteia. Reason why? She wants to relocate her sister Oriana who's dangerously close from being found from their psycho father who experimented on Miranda to make her perfect. The perfect face, the perfect body, the perfect level of intelligence, the perfect biotic. Half our team has people who've been experimented on apparently. We soon make contact with the asari

Lanteia: "Miss Lawson, I'm glad you made it. We've had a complication" she informs her

Miranda: "What happened? Is oriana all right?" She asks worried

Lanteia: "She's fine, but... You listed a man named Niket as your trusted Source? He contacted me, warning that your father has sent eclipse mercenaries to do a sweep. He suggested that the mercs might be watching for you personally. He's offered to escort oriana's family to the terminal instead" she tells her

Y/n: "Who's Niket?" I ask her

Miranda: "He's a friend. He and I go back a long way..." she tells me

Wait... SHE HAS FRIENDS?! HER?! She can actually make friends? Well, my mind is just blown. I'd first believe Garrus coming out as gay before Miranda saying she has friends

Lanteia: "Do you want to bring in any of your other illium contacts, ms Lawson?" She asks getting me to pay attention

Miranda: "No. You and Niket are the only ones I want on this" She answers back

Y/n: "It's your sister, Miranda. I'll follow your lead" I say

Miranda: "Lanteia, we'll follow niket's suggestion. Alenko and I will take the car and draw their attention. Have Niket escort the family to the shuttle. Give him full access to the family's itinerary, just to be safe" she tells her

Lanteia: "Understood, miss Lawson" she tells her

Y/n: "So your plan is basically to have an army shoved down our throat while your sister gets to safety, huh? Shouldn't be surprised anymore" I say shrugging

Miranda: "Eclipse will be under orders to take my sister alive. They won't risk anything that could kill us" she answers back

Y/n: "Why the fuck you lying?" I say with a judgmental look with my eyebrow raised

Y/n: "Anyway, I doubt eclipse will waste all their men to hold us back. Think we should call for back up for Niket?" I asked her

Miranda: "Niket can handle himself. Besides, any armed backup just draws attention to him" she tells me

Y/n: "I'm ready whenever you are, miranda" I tell her

Miranda: "Thank you, Yn. I appreciate this. I hadn't planned on eclipse... but they never planned on you. Neither did I. I thought the commander would've tagged along" she tells me

Y/n: "True enough. Someone like me isn't seen as a problem as either shepards but I'm just as reckless. Believe it or not, I offered in Jane's place. If Kaiden was in danger, I'd rush to save him. My brother means everything to me, just like your sister means Everything to you" I tell her smiling a bit for the heart to heart. She gives me the first genuinely soft smile and we head off

Taking the sky car, we see a gunship that starts dropping in some eclipse mercs down below

Miranda: "Damn it! Eclipse mercenary gunships. They'll be dropping troops in the cargo areas" She says after seeing the gunship out the window

Y/n: "Land behind that cover. Let's give them a warm welcome" I tell her and point toward the landing zone

Miranda: "Let's hope they really do want to take us alive" she tells me

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