What could have been (Alternative choices )

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[Y/n's POV ]


Kaiden: Chief. We've just spotted a troop ship in bound to your location.

Ashley: It's already here and it's bleeding geth all over the bomb site.

Jane: Can you hold 'em off?

Ashley: There's too many. I don't think I can hold them. I'm activating the nuke

Jane: What are you doing, chief?

Ashley: Making sure this bomb goes off. No matter what! It's done, commander. Go get the lieutenant and get the hell out of here

Kaiden: Belay that. We can handle ourselves. Go back and save Williams.

Jane thinks for a moment and looks at me as I'm worried. Her looks worries me more and I'm praying to whatever god out there that we go back for Kaiden. Kaiden means everything to me. I'm suddenly hit with flash backs

A picture of me and him running to each other to hug after being away for years

Another of the both of us pinky swearing we'd join the alliance like mom and serve together

Another of me introducing both Jane and John to Kaiden and all of us laughing getting along

One last picture of all of 4 of us in our alliance uniforms smiling proud

Jane finally makes a choice

Jane: Ashley, radio joker. We're coming back to the bomb site

And just like that my heart stops and shatters. All those memories now feel like a cracked photo. This mission just cost me my brother... and by my own girlfriend's choice. Words can't describe how I'm feeling and I feel something in me snapping and I go numb. Once we circle back, saren attacks. I couldn't care less what he says. I blindly shoot not caring if I lived right now. Once we get on the Normandy I see the bomb blowing up... knowing my brother didn't survive the blast. We all have a meeting to talk about our next move and I know they're all looking at me with pity but... I didn't care. I'm too numb to feel anything. I wish it was me who was in that blast instead

After the meeting ends I go to my brother's room and look at his stuff. Old photos, letters I sent, drawings I did for him when we were 6. I can't help but tears run down my face and once I manage to stop the tears I look out the window and hear the door open and see Jane

Jane: I'm sorry, y/n. I had to make a choice

Y/n: I regret everything, Jane. Everything now.

Jane's eyes widen a bit with how emotionless I sound and places a hand on my should which I slap away which surprises her

Y/n: You know Jane... I had hoped you would went for Kaiden. But knowing you picked ash... someone who shouldn't even be on this mission... versus my brother... I can't believe this is the same Jane I grew up with and fell in love with. *I turn and look at her* After saren, I'm gone. This is my last assignment. Your orders cost me my brother... I won't stick around with you after this. I still love you Jane but... *I shake my head* Now if you'll excuse me... I have my mother to call to inform her that her son won't be coming back. Goodbye Jane

I gently pushes her out, closes the door and calls up my mom with the devastating news



Kaiden: Chief. We've just spotted a troop ship in bound to your location.

Ashley: It's already here and it's bleeding geth all over the bomb site.

Jane: Csn you hold 'em off?

Ashley: There's too many. I don't think I can hold them. I'm activating the nuke

Jane: What are you doing, chief?

Ashley: Making sure this bomb goes off. No matter what! It's done, commander. Go get the lieutenant and get the hell out of here

Kaiden: Belay that. We can handle ourselves. Go back and save Williams.

Jane thinks for a moment and looks at me as I'm worried. Her looks worries me more and I'm praying to whatever god out there that we go back for Kaiden. Kaiden means everything to me. I'm suddenly hit with flash backs

A picture of me and him running to each other to hug after being away for years

Another of the both of us pinky swearing we'd join the alliance like mom and serve together

Another of me introducing both Jane and John to Kaiden and all of us laughing getting along

One last picture of all of 4 of us in our alliance uniforms smiling proud

Jane finally makes a choice and nods at me

Jane: Ashley, radio joker. We're meeting you back at the bomb site

And just like that those memories shatter and rage fills me. I refuse to let him die!

Y/n: Screw that, commander!

I run off to get Kaiden, ignoring Janes calls to get back. I get under fire and run next to Kaiden's cover and Kaiden questions why I'm here

Kaiden: The hell you doing here, y/n?

Y/n: Giving you a diversion. On my signal, you go meet back with the commander. You hear me?

He goes to refuse but I say one lady thing... the last words he'll ever hear me say

Y/n: Take down saren for me little brother. I love you kaizen

I rush out of cover taking the heat on myself and I get then distracted and I signal Kaiden and I see him hold his head down and bolts towards the bombsite. I know I'm going to die but... I'm glad he's going to live.

Geth forces are completely wiping out the salarian team and we're quickly losing ground. They're too many and I've taken too many rounds. I'm slowly bleeding out but I see the Normandy jet off and I see a large flash coming my way fast. I close my eyes and think "It was an honour, little brother" and it goes dark

*Back on the Normandy*

Kaiden is completely broken knowing I gave my life for his and Jane doesn't know what to feel. The man she loved is gone and give his life for Kaiden but this would've never happened if she only ordered to go back for him in the first place. They talk about their next plan and have a moment of mourning over my end and Kaiden goes to my room. Many photos of my childhood, time in my service, a locket of me and Kaiden as kids with goofy grins with the writing "A brother's bond may never be broken", a family picture and lastly a medal I earned in my service with both commanders. This was something i was beyond proud to have earned. Kaiden allows himself a tear to fall and doesn't leave the room until the next deployment. He vows that saren will end and he will end by his hands.

Meanwhile jane is her room looking at childhood photos and logs of our service

Vid Y/n: Hey jane you know some day when we're all old and retired... I think I'd want to settle down. A nice country home back home in Canada. Maybe Have a few kids and a dog... yeah. I think that's what I'll do. What about you?

Vid Jane: Yeah... yeah that sounds good to me too. Wouldn't mind telling my future daughter some service stories

They both smiled and jane let's a sad smile and tear fall. Outside she's sad... but a blazing inferno and swelling inside for Saren's head. He took her love away just when they got together... he'll pay with her life. She promises the next time she sees him... only one of them will walk out alive


I wanted to add a "What if" scenario here. Yeah it's just a filler but hey. Thanks for reading and I'll be updating in a few days. See you in the next chapter

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