Council's decision and A night of passion wth Jane 🍋

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[Y/n's POV]

After waking up from "embracing eternity" and waking up on the med bay... and getting "The eye" from Dr. Chakwas I get a recap from Jane. Once clear I meet up with everyone in the conference room.

Liara: Y/n, you still look... pale. Are you suffering any Ill effects from the cipher?

Y/n: The cipher knocked me out like a damn light. I'm just glad it was me who took on that beacon back on eden prime than Jane.

Liara: I might be able to help you. I am an expert in protheans. *She looks at jane* With your permission, commander, if I join my consciousness with his we might make some sense out of this

Jane: *She looks at me silently asking "will I be okay?" To which I nod* Do it. Hurry. We don't have much time

She walks up to me and nearly places her forehead against mine

Liara: Relax, Y/n. Embrace eternity!

I see the visions flood my mind giving me the same feeling as before. The describe this feeling imagine eating until your completely full... now spin in a circle upside down at 200mph. That's how it felt. Like my brain wants to throw up. After that... experience passes I sit back down feeling dizzy with Kaiden making sure I'm okay

Liara: It's a distress call. A message sent out across the prothean empire. A warning against the reapers. But the warning came in too late.

John: What about the conduit?

Liara: There were other images. Places I recognize from my research... ilos! The conduit is on ilos! That's why saren wants the mu relay! It is the only way to get to ilos

John: We have to get to ilos

Tali: Forget it. The Mu relay is inside the terminus system. Alliance ships are not welcomed there. Neither are spectres

John: The conduit's on ilos. That's where saren heading. I plan to be waiting when he gets there

Liara: Saren will have his entire fleet orbiting ilos. You will never make it down to the surface without reinforcements. You need to alert the council! We need a fleet to- whoah!

Liara places her hand of her head feeling faint from not only the link we shared but all this information and planning. She tried to catch her breath before continuing

Liara: I'm sorry. The joining is... exhausting. I should head to the medical deck to lie down for  a moment

Jane: Take your time. We're done here. Dismissed

After that I head off and talk with Kaiden until we arrive to the citadel to talk- sorry get ignored by the council

Kaiden: So we're finally about to end this mess

Y/n: Yeah it seems that way. We lost some good people along the way... I'm still glad I don't have to count you among that list

Kaiden: Yeah. Hey whatever happens on ilos... promise me something

Y/n: Name it Kaiden

Kaiden: Stay alive and take down saren. Like how it'd kill you to lose me I'd feel the same if the galaxy's safe but without you in it

Y/n: As reckless as I am... i didn't last this long just to die at the climax. I'll see you when we get back.

After that I get a call to join Jane and John along with Kaiden to tag along to the citadel to join the shepards. Been a while since Kaiden joined but I'm all for it. Once docked we reach the council and rid the elevator.... Deep breaths Y/n, deep breaths. Once there we see Udina with the council already in talk and he turns to speak to us

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