The Thief And Our Favourite Quarian

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[Y/n POV]

Returning after seeing both John and Kaiden, I had to crash on my bed. My good girl Snuff joined since she's a cuddle buddy. You wouldn't think that after seeing her leap from corpse to corpse with a vengeance. A bit later Jane joins me and we rest for the night from the encounter. Once we wake up and share a kiss, She tells me we're heading for the citadel to mean an old friend Named Kasumi goto. While we go off, I asked Mordin to check on the weapon and anti-Ballistic barrier. He gave me the finished model shortly before we landed. Once we've arrived, we see an advertisement and my old friend's voice speaks out of it

Kasumi: "Commander, Shepard. Enter the password and win a free gift!" Kasumi's voice speeks out

As Jane walks over to it, her face pops up. Jane answers

Jane: "Silence is golden" She says

Kasumi goto: "Nice to finally meet you, Commander Shepard. Kasumi goto. I'm a fan" She says teasing and I turn and look up behind us. I do nothing but wink at her to show I've seen her which gets me an eye roll.

Jane: "Has Cerberus filled you in on the mission?" She asks her

Kasumi: "Honestly, I'm surprised they didn't come to find me sooner. My fault being hard to find, I guess" she says joking

Y/n: "You'd suck at your job, if you were easily tracked "Master thief"" I say joking

Kasumi: "Nice to see you too, Blueberry" she sasses back

Y/n: "I'd say the same, if you hadn't stolen my aircraft and supplies" I say back crossing my arms

Kasumi: "Good times" she says smirking

Y/n: "Whatever you say, Kasumi. Whatever you say" I say wave my hand in a dismissive gesture

Jane: "What's with the password and the sneaking around? You in trouble or something?" She asks her

Pfft when is she not? The girl is like a friennemy. If we encounter each other, we help each other. From disabling locks to taking out guards to fixing a get away vehicle. Did I even get my stuff back? No. Did we purposely destroy it when we saw it again? Yes. I'm petty

Kasumi: "I'm the best thief in the business, not the most famous. Need to watch my step to keep it that way. I also needed make sure all this was legit. And I have no doubts now— you're the real commander Shepard" She tells her

Jane: "What brought you to Cerberus?" She asks her

Kasumi: "That's a bit of a story. Short story, they were looking for me, So I trailed them to find out. Turns out they were looking for someone to join you on an important mission... and were offered a serious signing bonus. I had a thing I needed help with, so I made them a deal. And here we are" She tells her which confuses me. Kasumi doesn't normally ask for help since she's a lone wolf style thief

Jane: "I'm assuming this deal is something I should know about" she asks her

Kasumi: "Yeah, I guess it slipped their mind" she says in thought

Kasumi: "I'm looking for my old partner's graybox. A man named Donovan hock took it, and I'm planning to get it back" She says determined. Keji's graybox? Something's wrong here

Jane: "If that's what Cerberus promised you, we'll get it done" she says promising the help Kasumi needed

Kasumi: "It'll be fun. And if we're lucky, you won't even have to draw your gun" she says as the advertisement shuts down and I look back up at her

Kasumi: "We should probably wrap this up. You look pretty silly standing there talking to an advertisement" she's says from above us

Kasumi: "See you on the ship, Shepard. Blueberry" She says and vanishes and we all head back to the Normandy

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