The Next Morning

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Carina's POV
I was reading in bed as Maya and Gracie were downstairs already making breakfast as Alex was still fast asleep

"Hey" I heard as Alex shifted in bed turning to me

"Morning bambina" I smiled putting down my book "How are you feeling?" I asked and she shrugged

"I don't know" she shrugged as she tried to get up most likely being stopped by pain "damn" she said

"Slowly my love" I said helping her up

"Right" she nodded as she leaned back into the pillows "when will it stop hurting this much?" she asked and I carefully wrapped my arms around her

"soon" I said placing a kiss on her temple "you just need to be a little bit careful these couple days" I said and she nodded "you'll be feeling better soon enough"

"hope so" she said and I nodded wrapping her closer to me.

I was still devasted after what had happened yesterday, seeing how she looked and how she felt. All I wanted to do was take care of her and somehow protect them from everything and I just felt like I had failed with that.

Maya's POV
"Come on that's not true" I laughed as Gracie chuckled

"Mom" she said "you know it's true, we both know it"

"Fine maybe" I agreed

"What are we agreeing on?" Asked Carina as she came downstairs

"On mom being a traffic patrol freak" said Gracie

"Agreed" nodded Carina

"What?!" I asked

"Maya you wrote me a ticket" she said "in my own garage for parking too close to your car"

"Yeah..." I had to give in

"What are we agreeing on?" Asked Alex as she came downstairs slowly

"Mom patrol freak" said Gracie as she walked over to help her over

"Agreed" she said as Gracie helped her sit down "100%"

"I just don't get where you guys got this from" I said

"Mom" said Alex "you wrote me a ticket in the stations parking lot"

"What?" Chuckled Gracie

"Yeah" nodded Alex

"Fine fine" I said getting up "I'll get breakfast"

I was glad seeing she was looking better, still not quite herself, but better than last night.

It had been a while since we had breakfast together and I was really sorry that something like this had to happen for us to be together some morning.

"what?" said Alex as I was staring at her

"how did you sleep?" I asked trying to make it look less obvious how concerned I was

"I... alright" she shrugged "thanks for letting me crash in"

"bella there's no need for thanking us, we love our sleep overs" smiled Carina

"yeah well, I'm just sorry about the whole last..." she began and I cut her off

"hey no no" I said "we're not apologizing about that alright?" I said and she nodded "at all"

"alright" she nodded as Gracie softly smiled at me as she squeezed my hand under the table and I squeezed it back.

Gracie's POV

I knew I did what was right, I knew that she recieved the help she needed. I just hate seeing her this way. She was usually so tough and strong and now I saw her this way.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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