Take It Easy

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Carina's POV
I gently opened the door to Alex room after saying goodnight to Gracie to find her fast asleep on her bed. Not even tucked in

I carefully took off the hoodie she was in since her room was quite warm and wrapped in her a blanket not wanting to wake her up fully.

"She's out like a light" I said as I walked into our room where Maya was already in our bed.

"She looks exhausted Car" she said and I nodded as I crawled into bed and nodded

"I know" I said "she didn't even twitch when I walked into her room what are you doing?" I asked as I saw her fixing her alarms for tomorrow

"I wanna make sure she doesn't slip out for a run" she said and I pressed a kiss on her temple "do you think she's alright?" I asked

"She's just different from Grace." I said "I think we just get used to Gracie being one way and we love how responsible she is with everything  we forget Alex isn't like that. She's got different priorities"

Gracie's POV
I was woken by Alex alarm next door. Once again. It had been like the third I had been woken at 4am and honestly I was slightly happy my moms found out.

"Alex please don't" I said as I saw her kicking her shoes on "Alex I'm talking to you, mom told you not to go today"

"What do you want Gracie?" She said and I looked at her

"Alex don't talk to me that way" I said "I'm just trying to save you from having an argument with mom"

"I can handle mom and it's none of your buisness bothering me" she said as she made her way downstairs and as the front door opened I heard my moms room opening

"She's up?" Said mom as she walked out

"She's gone" I said and she sighted

"Damn it" she said "uh sorry honey for waking you up. Go back to sleep it's very early"

I smiled and headed back to my bed as I checked my phone

Alicia: I hope you have my project done by tomorrow or you'll be in actual trouble

Damn it.

Alex's POV
I made 8 miles  and noticed I still had quite a lot of time. Plus I didn't have practice today. Was only planning to head the gym at the station with my mom. So I decided I could most likely keep on running for a bit longer.

"Alex" I heard as I was trying to make my way up the stairs

"Mom" I said as I turned around

"Alex this is going way too far" she said "you're not resting nor taking care of yourself like you should"

"Mom. I was just tired after practice. That's it, you're making a whole deal out of nothing" I said

"We don't think that's true Alex. You look skinny and exhausted" she said and I sighted

"Mom please" I said

"Go get showered and you might be able to catch 20 more minutes of sleep" she sigh ed and I nodded heading upstairs "but Alex this conversation is not over"

"You in trouble?" Asked Gracie as I walked pass

"As if you'd care" I said

Gracie's POV
I managed to finish Alicia's project last night after Alex left for her run. 
I'm not stupid, I know what's she's doing is wrong but I also know I have no other choice.

I can't really tell Alex since I know how she'll react and she's not really nailing it with her grades. So another bad attitude grade can't be added to it.  Specially since my moms will probably kill her once they see her report card.

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