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Carina's POV
We walked out of grey Sloan and got into the car as I drove both of us back home

"Can you stop the car?" Asked Alex as she was holding her chest breathing heavily

I quickly pulled over and got out jogging over to her door opening and unbuckled her seatbelt

"I can't..." she said as tears rolled down her eyes "can't breathe"

"Bella follow my breathing" I said as I grabbed both her hands "deep breaths"

"Hurts" she wheezed as she tried to follow my breathing. She was definitely having a panic attack and deep breaths weren't going to work right now.

"Okay. Alex bambina look at me" I said as squeezed her hands "I'm right here and I'm not leaving. I need you to follow my breathing" I said now taking slow not fully deep breaths

"I'm..." she said taking her hand to her mouth "sick" she said and she bend over being sick

"It's okay" I said as I held her hair back

"Hurts" she said between tears not able to catch her breath

"I'm right here" I said as I wrapped my arms round her so I was supporting her trying to avoid causing more stress on her ribs "everything will be alright" I said as she was sick again.

"I'm alright" she said as she had finished and I helped her lean back on the seat

"we can take some more time if you need" I said and she nodded as she closed her eyes as she leaned her head back

After a couple minutes I got into the car and we finished the drive home, I parked in my spot and walked in with Alex to find Maya and Gracie fixing dinner

"hey" said Gracie "How are you doing?"

"I'm alright" said Alex "thanks"

"dinner is almost ready" said Maya and I nodded as I walked over to help

"I'm gong head to bed" said Alex as she walked over to the stairs

I didn't even argue this time, I knew she wouldn't be able to eat right now

Maya's POV

"I can't believe it" I said as I we were finished with dinner

"I just hate them" said Gracie as we picked up the dishes and headed over to the living room where Carina and Gracie picked a movie and I headed upstairs

I knocked on Alex's door and there was no answer so I slowly walked in

"sorry honey" I said as I saw how she woke up

"it's okay" she said

"do you need anything?" I asked "at all"

"I'm alright" I said "thanks"

I walked over to her bed sitting down on the side looking down at her "are you sure you're alright?" I asked and she nodded

"I'm alright" she said as she fixed the covers and I placed a kiss on her head about to get up

"Mom" she said and I tuned around

"yeah?" I asked

"do you mind staying a while?" she asked and I smiled softly

"of course" I said sitting back down as  she slowly started to fall asleep

Gracie's POV

"do you think Alex is really alright?" I asked as we were watching some random movie with mama

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