Is it me?

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Maya's POV
I didn't want to intervene in Alex's journey with fire academy, but I knew she had her first tryouts today. And those aren't easy, specially throughout the physical part.

She had been studying crazy the whole tactical skills together with different notes Andy Vic and me had given her. 

"You nervous?" I asked as she was downstairs reading some notes

"As hell" she said as she kept on running through her books.

"You've studied for it. You studied with me, with Andy. With everyone you'll do great" I said as I squeezed her hand. "Now come on, don't be late"

"Six hour training." She said and I nodded

"It will be over way faster than what you'd imagine" I said

"Alright alright. Uh let's go" she said as she shook her head and hopped up

"Good luck my love" I said as I hugged her "call me as soon as you're done. I want to know everything"

"Promise" she said as she headed out the door

Couple minutes later Carina came downstairs

"Hey" she smiled as she hugged me "is Alex gone?" she asked and I nodded

"Who is more nervous you or her?" She asked and I chuckled as I hugged back

"I don't know" I smiled knowing it was probably me.

Gracie's POV
I got supper early to the library today since I really really needed to get everything ready for my exam. My collage exams which would mold me to be the perfect candidate for every single university.

Around 10 am I headed back home to continue studying back there since I had managed to photocopy pretty much every book back there

"You're back" smiled mama who was having coffee with mom

"Yeah. I just needed to take some photocopies"I said as I placed my folders down

"How's the studying going?" Asked mom and I shrugged

"Gotta keep on studying for some days. But I think so far so good" I nodded

I checked my phone again thinking it had buzzed. Just to see there were no notifications either from school mails

"You alright?" Asked mom and I nodded as I picked up my cup of coffee and all my folded

"Alright I'll be upstairs studying" I said as I made my way upstairs.

Carina's POV
I couldn't believe my babies were growing this much. Alex was already training for the academy and Gracie studying non stop for her collage exams.

"Dr Deluca?" I heard and I shook out of my thoughts

"Jo si sorry" I said as I smiled

"You alright?" She asked and I nodded

Jo was doing her first solo surgery in OB today

"Okay okay si let's go" I said as we made our way out my office 

"How are the girls doing?" She asked

"Ah growing" I smiled "way too quickly"

"Can't believe it's their last year high school" she said and I nodded

"God I know" I said

"Oh and Alex had her first training today?" She asked "I can only imagine Maya being this nervous"

Maya's POV

"Maya. Maya sit down" said Andy "you're making me nervous"

"I'm sorry but I am nervous and I need someone to share my nerves" I said pacing about

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