Summer Is Coming

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Gracie's POV
I was definitely nervous. I wasn't sure if I was getting the wrong impression about this all. It could be more than a studying thing as well as it could just be a studying case.

"Ready?" She asked as we started walking over to her house and I nodded

We walked for about ten minutes until we got to her front door

"Uh we can study either at the living room or in my room. Either way I think there's no one here to bother with noises" she said

"Uh whatever you want. It's cool" I smiled and we prepped everything in the living room as she closed the doors and brought something for tea

"Coffee?" She asked and I nodded

"Sure thanks" I said

We started opening books and stuff as we started picking some exercises to do

Alex's POV
"I'd really love for you to go" he smiled as we were talking about his rugby match

"Sure?" I asked and he nodded

"Yeah of course" he said "I mean I know it's not the same but at least you'll be close to some sport until you're cleared again"

"Uh damn don't make me remember of it" I said "oh my mom is almost arriving"

"I'll walk you to the parking spot" he smiled as we walked out of school and over to the parking lot

Mama was in her car as she waved her hand at Mark who waved back and placed a kiss on my cheek before I walked over to her car

"You two really look like a couple now" she said

"He's a friend mama" I said

"I mean I have lots of friends..." she began

"You and mom really need to get over it" I said

"Why don't you admit you're something" she said

"Cause we aren't." I said "can I go to the station?" I asked

She looked at me seriously

"I won't go to the gym I'll just hang out there" I said "plus mom is coming home early today"

"Fine" she agreed "but you can't do anything silly."

"I won't" I said smiling

Gracie's POV

"Okay enough physics." She said "I won't ever get it"

I chuckled and said "yeah this is definitely frying my head up"

"Yeah I need a break" she smiled "a forever break"

"Agreed" I said

"Wanna watch something?" She offered as she grabbed the TV remote coming back to the couch "here" she said handing me some pillow

"Thanks" I said leaning back on the couch

"So how did your moms react to your sisters boyfriend?" She asked

I chuckled and said "honestly better than what I though"

"I'm sure she'd relieved" she smiled

"Yeah definitely something less to worry about" I said

She got up as she turned off the lights and came back "alright hard part now. Choosing the movie" she chuckled

"I might be spending more time on the sapping than the actual movie" I said and she agreed

"Oh are you taking your drivers test?" She asked and I shrugged

"My sister is taking it soon. But I don't know" I said "seems like she's quite desperate to have it"

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