19. Beneath the stars

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Eva's POV

As night descended, the forest transformed into a realm of shadows. The feeble moonlight struggled to pierce through the thick canopy, casting eerie shapes on the ground. The familiar path, now cloaked in darkness, became a mysterious labyrinth that I had to navigate alone.

Every step felt like a journey into the unknown. The rustling leaves and the distant calls of unseen creatures created a symphony of unfamiliar sounds. The once clear trail now seemed like a confusing puzzle, and the trees, now silhouetted against the night sky, took on a haunting appearance.

In the midst of the silent night, Kai's voice broke the stillness. His singing echoed through the darkened forest, creating a hauntingly beautiful melody that resonated among the trees. The words he sang carried a sense of comfort, a musical companion to the unknown path they tread.

"♪ If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world... 
♪" He starts off.

"♪ to find you ♪" Riva joins him.

"♪ If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see... ♪" I proceed with the melody.

"♪ I'll be the light to guide you ♪"  Serena joins in too.

"♪ We'll find out what we're made of ♪" Bella sings vibing to the song.

"♪ When we are called to help our friends in need ♪" sing Aura.

As everyone now looks at Mark, defeated him sings "♪ You can count on me... ♪".

Happy smiles emerges on each one's faces and everyone sings together:

"♪ like one, two, three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it, I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there... ♪"

I continue, "♪ 'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh, yeah ♪"

And everyone adds their melodious voices, "Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah".

I chuckled, "Kai, you're turning our forest adventure into a music festival!"

Kai grinned, "Why not? We've got the perfect audience – the trees!"

Bella added with a playful tone, "Who knew the forest could have such a good beat?"

Serena chimed in, "I never thought I'd be serenading the trees, but here we are!"

Riva, with a smile, said, "This is what happens when we let Kai take the lead."

Bella, twirling around with her own flair, exclaimed, "This is officially the best night ever! Who needs a stage when you have trees as your audience?"

Our laughter mingled with the music, creating an atmosphere of pure joy. The forest, once quiet, now echoed with our shared song, turning the night into a memory we would carry with them. The spontaneous singing not only brought warmth to the chilly air but also strengthened the bond between the friends, making the journey through the dark forest feel like an adventure we would never forget.

I lingered at the back of the group as we ventured deeper into the dark forest. Bella and Mark, the lively pioneers, led the way with an enthusiasm that seemed to illuminate the night. Their laughter echoed through the trees, creating a joyful soundtrack to our nocturnal expedition.

Aura and Serena, engaged in cheerful banter, walked side by side, their camaraderie adding to the enchantment of the night. Kai and Riva, wrapped up in their own world of shared jokes, shared a laughter-filled connection that was infectious.

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