9. Sorry

7 1 0

Eva's POV

We arrive at the hospital in the morning. Upon entering the room, we find Kai resting on the bed, and beside him is Serena, sleeping on a chair with her head resting on the edge of Kai's bed. They look incredibly adorable together.

While enjoying this heartwarming scene, Aura accidentally hits the table, her clumsiness getting the better of her. The sudden sound startles both Kai and Serena awake. Oh no, the peaceful moment is disrupted!

"What are you guys doing?" asks Serena.

"N-Nothing! We're doing nothing!" answers Aura, wincing as she holds her leg, clearly in pain. This girl! She seems to be so cruel to her own body, always getting into accidents – banging into things, hitting herself, falling, slipping, and whatnot. Once, she even got badly hurt mishandling scissors, the sharp edge falling on her foot. I can't decide whether to pity her or scold her for her clumsiness!

"Did you guys have a good rest?" asks Kai, breaking the moment of clumsiness and concern.

"Yeah, we are. I hope you're feeling better," I say.

"Oh yeah, I am," replies Kai, smiling in response..

Suddenly, someone enters through the doors, and we all turn back to witness a very strange and unexpected scene unfolding.

"Hey, Mark!" says Kai in an excited tone.

"Hey buddy! How are you doing?" greets Mark.

"Quite better now," responds Kai with a smile.

"Wait, you guys know each other?" asks Serena, her expression turning into a 'what is going on?' face. We exchange glances, conveying the 'I swear, I don't know' face.

"Oh, well, yes. I met him on campus. We became friends as we're both in the same basketball team," Kai answers, sporting a big smile as he introduces Mark.

Mark gazes in our direction, seeking acknowledgment. However, I choose to divert my attention, allowing his presence to fade into the background of my focus.

I shift my gaze toward Aura, who appears engrossed in her phone, creating a barrier of digital distraction. It's uncertain whether she's genuinely occupied or intentionally using the device to avoid Mark's persistent gaze. Meanwhile, Mark continues to cast glances in her direction, creating an intriguing air of mystery and tension that leaves me wondering about the unfolding dynamics between them.

Kai interrupts with a casual, yet loaded, statement: "You all know him." The air thickens with unspoken drama, leaving the group to grapple with the unexplained tension.

"Yeah. Everyone knows him. He is so popular." Riva adds up.

"Is he?" I question, narrowing my eyes at him. Serena joins in, backing me up with a firm, "Yeah, is he?" Together, we exchange eye rolls, silently communicating our shared skepticism and a touch of exasperation.

A heavy silence settles in the air as nobody utters a word, leaving the unspoken tension to linger in the atmosphere. The absence of response becomes a palpable statement in itself.

Meanwhile, Aura remains unfazed, skillfully deflecting any acknowledgment of his presence. Her ability to maintain focus and indifference adds a layer of intrigue to the unfolding dynamics, leaving the onlookers impressed by her seemingly effortless skills.

Serena and I exchange silent but intense death stares directed at him. Naturally so, considering he's the cause of our bestie's tears. The unspoken threat hangs in the air, a silent agreement that, had we encountered him alone, he might have found himself swiftly replacing Kai.

The doctor's greeting breaks the tense silence. "Hello, everyone!" Their voice cuts through the charged atmosphere, momentarily diverting attention from the unspoken drama.

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