4. The sweet friend

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"Aura, stop behaving like this. You are embarrassing yourself and us too" Serena whispers to Aura angrily. "Cause you see people people people people they don't know you" sings Aura holding Mark's collar.

"What on earth are you doing? Give me a hand here!" Serena shouted at me. "Yeah, yeah, yeah—" I rushed to help Serena pull Aura away from Mark, who seemed to be praying for his life. Aura had already climbed on him twice—poor guy.

"I've been drinking more alcohol for the past five days did you check on me? Oh did you notice me?" Aura persists in singing at Mark, who seems oblivious to her crush on him. Why do people label him a genius? Even someone blindfolded could see that she was head over heels for him.


Everybody's laughing at her. People are making judgments and enjoying the whole spectacle. I'm thinking, "What's this girl up to?" Mark seems about to lose it; he's probably never dealt with someone like Aura. But then again, no one's really like her. And that's a good thing.

We somehow manage to pull Aura away from Mark and get her into my car. She can't even walk straight. As I started driving, she continued singing, and it was so loud that I decided not to play any music. Well, at least it keeps me awake on the road, but good lord, it's a challenge for our ears.

Heading back to the dorm is not an option now. It's way past 11, and we know the curfew must have kicked in. Instead, we opted to crash at our friend's place, which luckily isn't too far from the club.


We finally arrived at our destination. Riva's grand house stands in splendid isolation, far removed from the hustle and bustle of the city. It's more than just a house; it resembles a majestic mansion, a castle fit for a princess. The aura of drama intensifies as we take in the sight, and the presence of a beautiful garden only adds to the enchantment. It feels like we've stepped into a fairy tale.

 Riva, the only child of wealthy parents, is the cherished little princess of her CEO dad

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 Riva, the only child of wealthy parents, is the cherished little princess of her CEO dad. As the most stunning girl on our campus, she carries an air of elegance. Despite her beauty, she remains shy and introverted. Her love for playing the violin adds a touch of mystery to her persona. With her blonde hair, she exudes politeness and a gentle demeanour towards everyone. 


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Stepping into her luxurious home, Riva greets us with a warm hug and a wide smile that could light up the entire room. Her sweetness is undeniable. We had already given her a heads-up during the drive that we'd be crashing at her place for the night. As we change into slippers, a sense of anticipation hangs in the air, and we follow her towards the living room.

Upon entering the living room, we're greeted by the sight of a mysterious boy casually perched on the couch, engrossed in the television. My curiosity gets the better of me, and I turn to Riva, questioning her about his presence. With a secretive glint in her eyes, she introduces us to him.

"Hey Kai, these are my friends. Meet Eva, Serena, and Aura," Riva introduces, pointing in our direction. As she casually drops the bomb, "And guys, meet my cousin, Kai." Oh my gosh, could someone have such a ridiculously attractive cousin? Kai's got these massive biceps, hands veined up like a work of art, curly hair that adds to his charm, and a face that's just downright pretty. The room practically sizzles with the unexpected revelation, leaving us in awe of Riva's genetically gifted family.

"Hey girls, make yourselves at home and enjoy. Riva, I'll head to my room. Got a basketball match tomorrow," Kai announces. Basketball, huh? Not too shabby.

He leaves.

The three of us head to Riva's room first, urging Aura to freshen up since she's still a bit high, but thankfully, the singing has come to a halt.

Riva's place is spacious enough, offering more than three different rooms for each of us. We guide Aura to her designated room, where she's already halfway to dreamland. Carefully, we lay her on the cozy bed and tucked her in with a warm blanket. As we leave her to rest, the grandeur of Riva's home adds an air of elegance to the whole scene. Serena and I make our way to our respective rooms, wondering about the night in this luxurious haven.

My room conveniently sits nestled between Riva's and Serena's, creating a cozy trio of spaces. Serena's room is right next to Kai's, forming an interesting arrangement. We exchange goodnight wishes before dispersing to our respective rooms.


I rise early and step out of my room, only to find Aura dealing with the aftermath of a wild night in the downstairs washroom. She seems to be battling a brutal hangover, and Riva is by her side, offering assistance. The scene paints a vivid picture of the memorable birthday celebration Aura had, leaving us to wonder just how wild the night truly became.

I decided to check on Serena and head to her room, only to find it empty. Panic sets in as I start calling her name, the vastness of Riva's house now feeling like a maze where my voice struggles to reach her. The suspense builds as I search, wondering where on earth Serena could be in this labyrinthine home.

I eventually discover Serena in the yard, perched on a table with a coffee mug in hand, engaged in a lively conversation with Kai. Laughter fills the air, and I can't help but feel a mix of curiosity and delight. What's happening between them? I decide not to interrupt, relishing the rare sight of Serena happily chatting with a guy. It's a heartwarming moment, and I'm content to witness her joy from a distance.

Serena has always been a bit awkward when it comes to boys and her love life. Male friends have been a rarity, and she's noticeably uncomfortable around them. Throughout childhood, it's just been us – her close friends. Her crushes were always reserved for fictional characters, and the idea of reaching out to a real boy seemed beyond her comfort zone. Yet, here she is, engaged in a lively conversation with Kai. It's a proud moment for me; witnessing her stepping into a new chapter and overcoming those hesitations. The drama of this unexpected development adds a twist to Serena's usual love life narrative.

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