2. Who is that boy?

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Eva's POV

Upon returning home, I felt utterly exhausted. It had been a long day. As I walked into my dorm, I noticed Aura and Serena watching a drama together. They appeared to be just as tired as I was, lying there like zombies. Despite this, I decided to join them and watch the drama too.

After some time, my phone begins to ring and the caller ID reads 'Mom'.

"Hello, Mom," I answer. "Are you back at your dorm or still out?" Her brusque tone conceals her love.

"Yes, Mom, I am back," I say. The conversation continues, starting with discussing my day and then moving on to hers. She randomly criticizes me about how I should be regretting that she is not here to take care of me and that I would be living like a mess. *Sigh* It has become a routine of mine now, hearing her taunt me.

"After approximately 15 minutes, we conclude our conversation.

Aura and Serena have already fallen asleep, but the laptop, which belongs to Serena, is still playing the drama. I shut the laptop and placed it aside. Then, I cover both of them with a blanket. I can't help but admire how adorable they look while sleeping.

After turning off the lights, I finally head to my bed.


It's so dark, that I barely can see anything. Where am I?

I am running as fast as I can, trying to escape from this seemingly endless place. Where is the end? What should I do?

I see something moving in the dark. It's coming towards me at a fast pace. What could it be? Suddenly, a white horse appears and swiftly runs past me. As the horse disappears into the distance, I notice a boy running behind it.

I can't see clearly. His face is so blurred. He comes closer, standing in front of me, piercing his eyes into my soul. His hands soon touch my cheeks, and he says, "Don't be afraid. I am here with you." I am still surprised. Who is he? Where am I? Who brought me here?I can't figure out what's happening to me, but I know that I feel content and safe. Suddenly, my heart starts pounding and I don't know why. As I look into his eyes, I see a pure soul that mesmerizes me. I am speechless, lost in his gaze.

There is this moment where we are looking at each other without uttering a word. And the next I know is that we are so close that I can feel his breath on my face. I close my eyes. And we are about to...

"Eva" I hear. Somebody's calling me. "EVA" the voice gets louder. "EVA" this voice won't stop.

I wake up suddenly in my bed, realizing it was all a dream. Serena wakes me up with a tense face.

"Yeah?" I ask curiously. "Aura has already left and your class starts in 10 minutes. You need to hurry up," she says urgently.

My eyes widen in surprise, "What? Why didn't she wake me up?" I ask. "Are you kidding me? She's been trying to wake you up all morning, but you were sleeping like a log. Seriously, if you weren't awake now, I would have already called for your funeral," she says, sounding annoyed.

What? I have no time to think about anything anymore. I have to rush to my class. I get up and get ready as fast as I can. I rush off to my class.

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