"Kay." Beth smiled as Judd snorted next to Daryl, the two men bumping shoulders in amusement.

"It's just cause... it's dangerous going out there." Zack defended.

"I know." Beth laughed before pecking the boy on the cheek and walking away with a grin once she caught Judd's eye.

"Okay." Zack stammered as he watched his girlfriend. "Are you gonna say goodbye?"

"Nope." Beth smirked.

"It's like a damn romance novel." Daryl scoffed as he placed a crate in the truck.

"You watch romance movies, Dixon?" Judd teased as he looked at his friend.

"Shut up."

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Cassian and Carl sprinted to the gate when they heard the whistle, Rick wasn't far behind them. Cassian grinned at Carl as they heaved on the rope, opening the gate to let in Michonne. Once the woman on horseback was inside, they let go, the gates shutting with a clang.

"We're glad to see you." Rick smiled at the woman as they made their way over to her. Michonne hopped off of the horse.

"Glad to see you too." Michonne responded. "Somebody hit the jackpot." She looked to Carl as she pulled out a stack of comics from the bags on her saddle.

"No way." Carl laughed, taking the comics gratefully. "Awesome! Thank you."

"I get to read em when you're done." Michonne bargained. She then looked to Cassian, extending her hand and passing the girl a new cap. It was red!

"Eso es tan genial me encanta la roja" Cassian rambled as she sat the cap onto her head backwards. "Thank you." Michonne laughed at the girl

"And I found this." The woman turned to Rick, razor in hand. Rick took it from her. "Your face is losing the war."

"You gonna stay a little while?" Rick asked, watching as the two kids lead the horse back into the paddock. They were excitedly chatting about their new gifts from Michonne.

"Just a little while. Michonne nodded. They turned around at the sounds of engines. Daryl and Judd rode up to them, both on their motorcycles, two cars behind them.

"Well, well. Look who's back." Daryl observed as he looked to Michonne. Cassian ran over to her father, talking quietly to him in Spanish, wildly gesturing to her new cap.

"Didn't find him." Michonne shook her head.

"Glad to see you in one piece." Daryl said softly.

"I thinking of looking over near Macon." Michonne told them, ignoring the looks from the men. "It's worth a shot."

"That's seventy miles of walkers, Hermana." Judd spoke up as he gave Cassian a hug. "You might run into a few... unneighbourly types."

After a moment of silence, Judd said goodbye to his daughter, promising to be safe as the girl stood back with Rick. "We're going to check out The Big Spot." Daryl reminded Rick. "The one I was talking about, just seeing."

Nothing Changesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें