As Y/n and Kumi engaged in volleyball practice in the gym, Kumi couldn't help but notice that Y/n wasn't performing at her usual best. The energy and enthusiasm that usually fueled Y/n's play seemed subdued, replaced by a distracted and distant demeanor.

During a break in their practice, Kumi approached Y/n with concern in her eyes. "Hey Y/n, you're not playing like yourself today, what's going on?" Kumi asked, her voice filled with genuine worry for her friend.

The unspoken tension from the events of the day seemed to spill over into the volleyball court, affecting Y/n's usual vibrant spirit.

Y/n, her shoulders slumping slightly, took a deep breath before confiding in Kumi. "It's Rin," she admitted, her voice carrying a hint of frustration and vulnerability. "Since this morning, he's been ignoring me, and I don't know why and it's making me feel really uneasy, I don't like it."

Kumi, understanding the weight of the situation, nodded sympathetically. "I see, have you tried talking to him about it? Maybe there's something on his mind that he's not sharing."

Y/n sighed, realizing the need for a conversation. "I haven't had a chance, he's been distant the whole day, and I don't know how to approach him. it's just been a really strange day." The unspoken tension spilled onto the volleyball court, affecting Y/n's focus and spirit during practice.

Concern etched on her face, Kumi probed gently, "Can you tell me what happened before Rin started ignoring you? Maybe it'll help figure things out."

Y/n, appreciating Kumi's supportive presence, recounted the events of the morning—Osamu's unexpected appearance, his teasing remarks, and Rin's subsequent change in behavior. As she spoke, Kumi listened attentively, piecing together the puzzle of the day.

Kumi, after hearing Y/n's account, offered her insights, "Maybe Rin got jealous or upset about Osamu, guys can be weird about that stuff, I think you should talk to him and clear the air." The gym, once filled with the sounds of volleyball practice, now held a shared moment of friendship and understanding between Y/n and Kumi.

As the volleyball practice came to an end, Y/n turned to Kumi with gratitude in her eyes. "Thanks Kumi," she said sincerely, "I appreciate you listening and offering advice, I'll try talking to Rin and see if we can sort things out."

Kumi smiled, a reassuring warmth in her expression. "Of course Y/n, friends are here for each other, let me know how it goes, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything."

After finishing their volleyball practice and the heartfelt conversation, Y/n and Kumi decided to walk home together. The atmosphere between them had shifted from the earlier tension to a more lighthearted and comforting one.

As they strolled along, the two friends chatted happily about various topics, sharing laughter and exchanging stories. The weight of the day seemed to lift, replaced by the camaraderie that had always defined their friendship.

The next day arrived, and Y/n found herself getting ready for school. She moved around her room with a sense of purpose, putting on her school uniform and applying a touch of makeup.

Layla, her loyal companion, observed the morning routine from the comfort of Y/n's bed.

Y/n finished the final touches, she exchanged a glance with Layla and chuckled. "You're the only one who gets to relax while I rush around, huh?" Layla responded with a contented wag of her tail, a silent companion in the midst of the morning hustle.

Walking to school with her AirPods in, Y/n immersed herself in the rhythm of her favorite tunes, the music creating a personal soundtrack for her morning journey. As she entered her classroom, she took her seat, still lost in the melodies.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and a guy from another class walked in, holding a bouquet of roses. All eyes turned to him as he made his way towards Y/n's desk, a confident smile on his face. The room buzzed with curiosity and anticipation as the unexpected scene unfolded.

The guy took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on Y/n, and then, with a mix of nervousness and determination, he confessed in front of the entire classroom, "Y/n, I've admired you from afar for a while, and I couldn't wait any longer, will you go out with me?"

The confession hung in the air, and the classroom fell into a hushed silence. Y/n, surprised by the public declaration, looked around as the eyes of her classmates focused on her.

Rin, who had been napping, suddenly woke up, sensing the shift in atmosphere. His gaze narrowed as he surveyed the scene, his expression a mix of curiosity and something more complex. The unexpected confession had not only stirred the classroom but also piqued Rin's interest.

Y/n, composed despite the attention, met the guy's gaze and offered a gentle smile. "I appreciate your honesty, but I have to respectfully decline," she replied with sincerity.

The guy, unable to hide his frustration, demanded, "Why? What's the reason?"

Y/n, maintaining her composure, replied, "It's not about you. I already have feelings for someone else."

Crossing courts | Rin ItoshiWhere stories live. Discover now