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We reached the third floor, and me along with few contractions and me sitting on the steps to feel at ease. The clinic looks beautiful, just like a hospital, thanks to them for not using frequently so it does not smell a lot like hospital, and just the vibe.

We reached a spacious room, it did looks like an examination room with a bed. Tae oppa was sitting in a chair wearing his casuals, t-shirt and a trouser. Avinash Bhaiyya is talking to him and shant gives some choices of words in between.

All turned towards our side and gave me a smile and I thought to gave them back but that pain contraction did not allow me to. Tae oppa held my shoulder, more like side hugged me. He helped me to walk up to the bed.

"Ok, listen I am going to check your bp fast. ok?" he asked me and I nodded. Then I saw him taking his stethoscope from his neck and attaching that bp machine on to me and saw him watching as his expression changes.

"hmmm, your bp is a bit high, considering the situation I would have been worried if your bp is low" he told me and a chuckle along with a giggle escaped my mouth. I covered it immediately feeling embarrassed.

"no one has said that laughing is not allowed in a labour room. You can laugh as much you want" he told me with a wink, making me blush.

He then caressed my cheeks and told me "but on the serious note, you have to relax, you are on the best hands". I smiled.

"now I am going to check your cervical dilation. ok ?" he asked me and I nodded.

"ok, good" he told me.

"I will wait outside" Avinash Bhaiyya was about to go.

"no, can you please stay by my side" I asked him, my voice cracked. He came to my side and hugged.

"Anything for you sissy" he told me.

"I am not using the stirrups" he told me. While kookie oppa helped me to fold my legs.

Shant helped Tae oppa to wear the gloves. Tae oppa stood between my legs side and parted wide for his view. He looked at something and asked me "your water didn't broke right?".

"no" I told him.

"k" he whispered.

Then I felt his one hand unfolding my folds for his view. I unknowingly clenched Kookie oppa's hand.

"shh... it is ok" he told me and caressed my hair.

"Aru, relax and breath" he told me and I did the same. Then I felt two fingers going inside me.

"sss...." I winced.

"done, done and .... done" he told me and took out his fingers.

"how many hours have you been feeling the pain?" Tae oppa asked me.

"The moment you felt my stomach was the first time I felt" I told him.

"You might have felt pain when you slept" he told me removing the gloves from his hand. He washed his hands while kookie oppa helped me with my legs.

"Is everything ok? How much is she dilated?" Kookie oppa asked with worry.

"she is fine and she is 5cm dilated" Tae oppa told me and sat near me on the bed.

"You contractions are much more frequent so it says everything" He told me keeping his one hand on my stomach while I felt another pair of contraction hitting me.

"You want epidural right?" he asked me and I nodded immediately.

"ok, will do it once it is 6cm" he assured me and went out. "where did he go?" I asked particularly to no one.

"he might have went to bring the epidural and the syringe." The syringe word bought me to another world.

"you mean needle?" I asked oppa.

"don't tell me you thought it was some medicine to drink" he asked me and I nodded with a smile.

"OH. MY. GOD." I yelled seeing that big needle.

"not in a life time i am taking that" I told them with my wide eyes still on the needle.

"it wont hurt much" kookie oppa tried to console me.

"ok, do one thing, you take it for me. You are responsible for all of these. So considering that you have to take" I told him, all my angry on him.

"what?" he asked me in disbelief.

"I cant take it baby" he told me with a sad smile.

"Then don't tell me to take it" I told him.

"Then can you endure the contraction?" he asked me.

"I think I will seeing that needle gives me pain. Tae oppa would you might taking it away from here?" I asked him.

He nodded with a laugh.

"no one can laugh" I told them.

"Aru!?" Avinash Bhaiyya warned me.

"then you take the pain. Don't warn me now. I not in a mood" I cried while another pair of contraction hitting me.

"ok ok. No one will force you to take it" Tae oppa told me.

"Jungkook pls can you give her an IV?" Tae oppa asked him.

"yah" he nodded and started his work.

"I have always hated the needles" I whisper yelled felling contraction ending.

With lot of tantrums it ended well. And an IV in my hand. great, queen great....

"ok, now I need you to do some excercises. We better climb the stairs." he suggested.

"no" I whined.

"nope nope, that is not how it works Aru" Tae oppa told me seriously.

"And you are climbing them come on. Let me help you" Tae oppa told me and helped me near to the stairs.

"one step, another" good just like.

After climbing the stairs for 2 minutes.

"please, that enough, it hurts.. ahhhh..." I hugged Tae oppa feeling that sharp pain.

"shh.... breath in and out. good, just like that" he told me and held me through out the contraction.

"come on climb" he told me.

"no please. I am not feeling great" I told him.

"I know your intention. It might work with others and kook. But not me. And if you are talking about the pain, that is how it works and I already gave you an option of epidural, but you rejected it right?" he asked me.

"At last we reached the third floor" I sighed to myself. I heard Tae oppa chuckle.

And the next moment I felt a rush between my legs. I looked down and to Tae oppa.

"hey, shhhh... it is fine. Your baby is on his way. Aren't excited for the gender?" he asked me and I nodded. I have told them that I don't want to know now and wanted to wait.

"but this is.." I looked at the floor.

"your water broke... you are fine" he hugged me and helped me to the room and to the bed.

"let me check your dilation, it has been 3 hours now" he told me.....

"what three hours?" I asked in disbelief.

"you were too much dwelled into bickering and whining" he winked at me

Here we go again....


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