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After my meetings, it is afternoon now. So I am waiting for his call. I am scared will be less in words. I dont know what I am feeling. It feels like there is a butterfly in my stomach. My heart is beating fast. My hands are sweating and it is cold. Now I might look pale. I have attended number of meetings in my life, but I have never been this much scared.

Thinking about all this, I forgot my phone was ringing, but my manager Deepa shook me from my thoughts and told me about my phone. It was him. Oh my god, I am scared. Can I run or atleast jump from this building, ha no way I don't want to be in a hospital bed anytime soon.

I dismissed Deepa, to make her give me some privacy. Don't think anything else, of course we need it, you know privacy.

At last I picked the call, we are having a face time. Oh my god. He is handsome, he is too hot, my god I am sweating again. I started to wipe my sweat in between my nose and lip and give him a nervous smile.

He raised his eyebrows and smiled at me. My god, I think I am going to faint. He is smiling now. I think he is in his house now, if I am right, he is sitting in his bed.

"Mm how are you ?" He broke the silence.

"Oh me, I am fine. What about you ?" I asked him.

"Yah. I am fine. Was a bit busy with work. So got geld up and I only got home one hour before." He told me settling more into the bed.

"You look hot" I unknowingly said it. Slip of my tongue. What am I doing. He I am going to kill myself once this call ends. Embarrassment will be less in words.

"That I am. I have no doubt on that. By the way thank you. And you look gorgeous too. I suppose you are in your office ?" He asked me and I nodded blushing.

"Yes. I am. I got held up with things yesterday. So I couldn't process what were happening. So, I am sorry I couldn't chat well yesterday." I told him with a bit of a guilt.

"No, no need of feeling guilty. It is ok. Even I was busy yesterday. So how are things going. Tell me about your favorite food." He asked me.

"Mm. Mine. Actually I am a vegetarian. So I prefer anything that is veg with less spicy. What about you ?" I asked him.

"Ok. That is great being a veg. Yah I love non veg. But I can become vegetarian if you want. And Yah I am ok with spicy. But health wise, I think without spicy is good" he told me winking. I blushed again. He started to laugh. My god what is happening to me. I am blushing again without any notice.

I cleared my throat . But he said brought me back to earth.

"I like you" he told and of course I chocked on my own saliva. He started to laugh out loud.

"Me too" I gave him a nervous smile. I think he got that I am nervous. I said it. Oh my god.

"You dont have to be nervous " he told me with an assuring smile. I fell for it. I got a bit better. I gave him a less nervous smile.

"The thing is, I am a bit scared of doctors. But it is ok. I have been living my life till now with a gang of doctors. So I think. I will be happy than nervous." I told him. He laughed out.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked him.

"It feels funny when you said gang of doctors. Are they so torturing?" He asked me amusing.

"More than you can imagine. By I hope you are not like that right ?" I asked him.

"Can't promise but I will try to be less torturing " he told me with a wink and I gave him a fake pout.

"You know what? I think you are meant for me. I am happy that, you are trusting me. You are giving me hope. And telling me everything, without keeping to yourself because of nervousness. So. Are you willingly happy to be a part of my life? Enjoy the hurdles and happiness and soreness of life together ? Are you with me in this life?" He asked me.

"I think, to every question you have raised, my answer will be the same, that is a big 'yes'. Yes, I am willing to be a part of your life. Thank you though for understanding me. Hope we can get to know more in our life." I told him. And he smiled at me.

We talked for sometime more. I think he is a bit tired and I have some work to finish as well. We promised to talk everyday if possible for both of us before marraige. And we parted ways.

I attended two more meetings. The last one was in zoom for some sort of advice from different companies. That call was from abroad. From London. That lasted for almost 3 hours. The time now is 11 o clock.

I have a small disease called gastritis. I should eat on time, or I will have stomach pain and it will take sometime to go away. After finishing the meeting, I started to feel stomach pain, at its peek. I called my driver, since I felt I can't drive.

I am sure bhaiya will kill me today. What can I do if I have got six meetings at a stretch and if I have my marriage coming I have to finish to make sure that my workers finish the project on time or I will loose my customers.

I sat on my seat at the back end and laid down clutching my stomach.

"Are you alright ?" Asked my driver.

"My gastritis. I will be fine if I eat anything." I assured him.

"Are you sure that I dont have to call any of your brothers ?" He asked me concerning. He is an old man. He takes care me like a father. I smiled at him and said a no.

We reached home. As usual it was all dark. I went to the dining table and sat on the chair along with laying my head on the table. Not being able to move. Some one shook me, I looked up to see sangeeth, I am doomed.

"What happened ?" He asked worried.

I gave up, I don't want to feel the pain any more. "My stomach. Can you give me something to eat ?" I asked him.

He is going to his angry monster avatar. "You are sweating a lot. I think we might have to take you to hospital". I could not speak more. Before I could protest, he took me bridal style. I hugged him and started to cry in his shoulder.

"Ok. Don't worry. No hospital, but you have to take an iv. That is out of discussion. And you are going to take a leave on tomorrow. No more discussion. Try to get to know your fiance." He teased me and took me to my room and laid me on my bed.

"Don't sleep. I will give you some rice soup and don't try to run away. " he told me.

"Ok" I gave him my thumbs up.

He came back with my favourite brother Shantanu. He gave me sad smile and I gave him a sad hi.

Now he is trying to talk to me and distract me and hugged me to stop myself from refraining. I cried out loud to stop them. But nothing worked. His grip on my body was so strong that I can't even think of moving. Bhaiya gave me  the IV and told me "you are on leave tomorrow. And we will have a talk later if this happen again" I nodded at him knowing the consequences.

"Ok sleep well. If you need anything call any of us." He told me. I gave him a stiff nod and unknowingly slept. I don't know what my soon to be husband will be like when he knows what happened to me.

Little did I knew what was going to happen. And i will tell you why i am afraid of doctors in another occasion. Will see you on next chapter. 😉😉😚😘

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