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This is my Fifth month. But let me tell you. Over the two months I have understood how much of a strict and monster is Tae oppa in his doctor avatar. I hate it. He always scolds me, if I eat something which he don't like and if I don't eat something he likes. It is indeed not fair.

And I have been feeling pain recently. But I don't have the guts to tell them. I don't want to have a check up any time soon. Now we are having our dinner together. Di has made both the babies sleep and have came seconds before.

I do have small baby bump now. Baby is all fine. At least that is what I am told. And I always try to skip their torturous glares and syringes. But at last without much option I will surrender. Now I have to finish the salads. But let me tell you, I like it but I don't want it now.


obviously because I have sneaked the snacks which I like the most. But I was caught by Tae oppa almost when I was about to finish. He was like 'That was not good for you. you should have thought twice before sneaking and eating it, that too right under my nose'.

What I hate the most was Kookie oppa didn't even helped me. He gave me a sad look.

Who want his sad look, I told him to burn those look and eat it. He chuckled at me and started to laugh at my face. Thanks to di, she consoled me saying that it was ok and thinks are going to be worse in the coming months and winked at me.

So, as I was saying, we finished the dinner. As I tried to stand, the pain shoot up.

"Ah.." I sat on the chair again.

Alert mode went on to all the docs. Tae oppa immediately came and kneeled in front of me.

"hey, what happened?" he asked me in concern seeing my tears.

"it hurts" I told him clutching myself.

"ok, we are taking you to the hospital" he told me and helped me to stand up.

"it hurts.. ah.." I cried.

"hey, shhh.. it is nothing" Tae oppa told me and kookie oppa held me in bridal style.

"you are going to be ok baby" he told me and took me to the car.

The car ride was horrible. I could feel every inch of my body crushing.

In front of the emergency, Kookie oppa placed me in the gurney and they pushed me into a room more private. A nurse came and took my blood to test. That pain was nothing compared to this.

And Tae oppa asked the nurse to immediately prepare and IV and named some medicine that should go with the IV.

"It hurts... what is happening to me?.... what about..... my baby?" I asked them in between my hiccups.

"Aru, I don't know what is going on. Let me see ok?" Tae oppa told me caressing my hair and cheek.

A nurse bought a machine, which I later understood as the ultrasound machine.

Tae oppa was in his home attire and he sat near my stomach and used some gel which was indeed cold.

"Shh.. it is some gel. Nothing to worry" he told me with a sad smile when I flinched.

"what is happening with my baby" I asked them tears forming. Then I heard a whum.. whum.. voice.

"What is that sound?" I asked particularly to no one.

"That is the heartbeats of our baby dear" Kookie oppa told me with a smile and hugged me.

"our baby" I told myself and looked at the screen to see a tiny thing. My baby has heartbeats...

"Oh thank god" I sighed in relief.

Thanks to the IV and the pain meds. I feel fine now.

"Then why did I felt the pain?" I asked them.

"if I am right. That is because of some deficiency. Let us wait for your blood test report, until then, let us have an internal check up.

"No" I whined.

"why?" he whined mocking me while getting ready with gloves.

"Jungkook you make her ready I will wait outside. And don't worry about her begging. She will be fine." He told oppa getting out.

"no. please. I am fine" I begged him.

"if it wasn't important, I wont do it dear" he told me and without waiting a beat and went out keeping the gloves with him.

"So, let us change your panties" he told and held me up to sit.

"No" I hugged him and started to cry.

"Don't you love your wife" I asked hum with puppy eyes.

"You have done this before right? What is happening with you today?" He asked holding to my panties to take it out from me.

But I held his hand and pouted at him. But my arch enemy had a different plan.

"No, jungkook. Don't fall for her puppy eyes and pouts. It won't work that way" he screamed from outside by knocking on the door.

"Ehy is he like this? Did he cast some spell on me, so that he can see whatever I does." I murmured.

"It is for your good baby" kookie oppa told me and kissed my forehead. And with bit of a force, he let go out of my grip and I was out of the panties. I groaned and whined.

Tae oppa entered the room with his glorious smile. Like he has won some price.

"I hate you so much" I told him with a pout.

"I don't care" he told me and both of them helped me to the bed.

"Why are we doing this?" I asked to Tae oppa, fed up of all these.

"So that I know what is happening with you inside. With more specific" he made me understood. And sat between my legs which was kept by kookie oppa's help wearing the gloves.

"I hate this" I told myself .

"Aru, deep breaths..." he instructed and I did.

"And out..." he told me and I did. The next second I felt his fingers going in.

"Uhh..." I groaned.

"Does it hurts?" He asked me.

"No" I shook my head slowly.

"Ok, you continue to breath" he was doing something inside me.

He took his finger out. And looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"You are so brave dear. You did well. Now relax ok? It was nothing. And you are doing great. " he told me removing the gloves.

Thank god. Everything went well. I sighed thanking god.

After sometime my blood test report came back. Both of them looked at it and talked to each other intensively. And looked at me.

"So. You lack vitamin D. I mean you have vitamin D deficiency. So you have two options either get some sun light directly and get the vitamin from the nature. Or get the vitamin injection." Tae oppa told me.

"Sunlight " was my instant reply. Both of them laughed out loud and nodded to me.

"Ok, then Sunlight it is" Tae oppa shook his head and went out. By I stopped him.

"When can I go home?" I asked him.

"After you finish your IV, you can go home" he went out, not before kissing my forehead.

Later at 10 pm, we went home. And everyone hugged me saying everything will go well. And today I am going to stay with my mom and dad. Going to sleep in between them. Oh it's been a while. I smile at the thought of it.

Both of them instructed me to call one pf them if anything at all happens.

And that was a wonderful night except the baby playing in my belly....

Hello all.

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