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"wake up Dear, it is almost time" Some one is asking me to wake up.

"no, go away" I told and covered my head with duvet to stop the voice.

The voice chuckled. "come on wake up" the voice took of the duvet from my body and started to shake my body.

"no, I want to sleep" I told the voice.

"do you know who I am ?" the voice asked me.

"mmm the voice ?" I asked.

"mm" the voice voiced.

"I mean the voice is ' the voice'" I told the voice.

The voice chuckled at me and told me "how about you open your eyes and see who is ' the voice '" he quoted my words. I slowly opened my eyes to see kookie oppa smiling at me. That was when all the memories flashbacked to me, like in a movie. I suddenly sit back, but that sit back was got hit on the head of kookie oppa, precisely his nose. He covered his nose because of the pain.

I took his hand to view the nose which I almost broke. " My god, you are bleeding, I am sorry, I didn't mean to, aish" I stood up from the bed and went to find someone who can help me. But before that, I gave him a cotton to stop the bleeding.

"wait let me call Tae oppa" I told him, I was literally panicking. But he held my wrist and made me sit on the bed near him. He cleaned his nose and he himself examined his nose in the mirror and came near me.

"I am fine, you didn't use your force. But let me ask you, what have you thought when you saw me ?" he asked me, confusion evident in his tone and face.

"I forgot we were married. I think the sleeping causes many issues like that" I told him guilty struck.

"you don't have to feel guilty, it is alright. We are humans, things like that can happen. " he told me.

"are you sure you are ok ?" I asked him.

"yes dear. I am fine as new. Now get up and freshen up. I will wait down for breakfast" he told me and was about to go but I stopped him by asking

"I am sorry for the hit" I told him.

" hmmm. How about I forgive you if you do something I ask for ?" he asked me and I nodded with a smile.

"How about you give me a kiss in the cheeks and I will forgive you." he told me making me blush.

"k, I will, but after brushing" I told him and he smiled at jumped like a kid who is excited to see the amusement park. I laughed and took out my clothes and went to get ready.

I came out to see kookie oppa waiting for me patiently.

"you have a lot of patience" I told him making my way to him.

"that is the part of my job sweety" he told me winking.

"aren't you going to need my forgiveness ?" he asked me.

"yah, you didn't forgot" I gave him a nervous look.

"nothing to be shy, you are mine and I am yours anyway" he told me and made me sit near the small couch we have in our room.

"finish it fast, I have to take you somewhere" he told me.

"some where ? where ?" I asked him and he told me "I am on leave today and I think I will take you to shopping and many things and get to know you" he told me.

"so you mean a date ?" I asked him and he nodded.

" then let us finish our breakfast and go" I told him and stood up. But he was fast enough to make me turn and sit in his lap. He whispered in my ears with deep husky voice "not so soon baby girl", it went a shiver down through my spine and I looked at him. I suddenly kissed his cheeks and ran from there, I could hear him and chuckle.

"don't run or you will fall" he yelled from behind. I went to the kitchen to see no one and I tried to calm my rising heart and my that reddened cheeks. I was brought back from the thoughts by someone tapping my shoulder, I got scared.

"it is me Tae" Tae oppa told me.

"you scared me oppa" I told him keeping a hand over my chest.

"oh, I am sorry. What are you standing all alone ? do you want something ?" he asked.

"no, just to make some tea" I told facing him fully.

" are you ok ? you look all red" he told me and placed a hand over my forehead.

"you don't have a fever" he looked me confusing.

He then gave me a mischievous smile when I saw kookie oppa coming down looking at us. Tae oppa came near me and whispered to me "then, I think it is kookie fever". I chocked in my saliva. He smiled and looked at me and told me "you look like a tomato now".

"what are you talking about ?" kookie oppa asked us. I don't know what to say, so I looked at Tae oppa, he smirked at me and told kookie oppa "nothing, just sis bro bonding up with their relationship. I covered my face with both of my hands and then I heard their laugh. I pouted at them and went to make some tea. Both of them went outside. But suddenly I felt two hands in waist and someone hugging me.

"what are you doing ? someone will come. " I told him getting nervous.

"I do not care" he told me and gave me a kiss in my cheeks.

"enough, now go. I have to make tea" I told him.

"we together will make the tea like in this position" he told me.

"are you mad or something ?" I asked him.

"yah, madly in love with you" he told me.

"guys, your romance in out of my kitchen, not here" di told us entering the kitchen. I tried to come out of his grip, but it was too tight for me.

"oho, but I think I have seen something yesterday, here" he told making di blush and run away from the kitchen almost cursing him. We both laughed at her cuteness. We had our breakfast pretty fast. Both di and Tae oppa went for their respective work. Then we went out for our date.

Hello guys,

I am a bit busy with my research and assessment, but I will try myself to make it as frequent as possible. Hope you like it.

please vote for me.

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