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After shopping when we were coming back di told me that she is not feeling well. Then she immediately looked at her sugar to be less. She has low blood sugar. We couldn't move since it was raining. She was almost nervous now.

"Relax di. We will find a way. Ok?" I asked her and she nodded to me.

"This is a bit risky, but how about we run ?" I asked her. She looked at me nervously and told me "I don't think we have any other choice. But won't tell our doc hubs . Ok ?" I nodded smiling nervously about it and the next second we were running to our house.

We got freshen up with warm water. Then she gave me hot chocolate and drank it. I think she was enjoying it since it was her time of free to so whatever she wanted without others supervision.

But after sometime we both started to sneeze. I think the rain really punished us. We were sitting in opposite chair and sneeze. Just then we could see my brother Avinash, he is a traumatic surgeon he came home this morning. Will introduce you guys to him later.

He, my hubby, her hubby all fuming in anger, while jimin oppa almost trying to hold laughter. Because he is just like us, so careful about health, note the sarcasm.

Kookie oppa came to me and asked me "what the hell were you guys doing ? And why are you guys sneezing ? And y/n why the hell are you drink hot chocolate ?" He asked fuming in anger to her as well.

"Well..." i started and looked at di for what to say. But Tae oppa blocked my view and told me to continue.

But I wad cut off by di. She told them herself. Everthing, even about her sugar level. But di was taken into her bedroom since Tae oppa wanted to talk to her privately. 😔

Now I am in a cave with two tigers and a cute deer. He he he . Oppa checked my fever and gave me an intimidating look. I looked down.

"Come let us go to our room " oppa told me by helping me stand. I bid goodbye to the angry bear and a cute deer. Jimin oppa is so much of a friend to me. We both get along well for many matters.

He told me to sit on the chair and gave me a tablet, if I am right it's grinil. He might know that I have headache too. I took it without much trouble. Suddenly my phone rang and it was Sandeep bhaiya. When I ignored it, he again called, but when I tried to ignore it , oppa told me "take the call. It is for you." He told me .

"Yah. I know that. May be Avinash bhaiya have told him about me sneezing" I told him and attended the call.

The first thing I heard when I took the call was some curses he yelling at me in his raised tone. Now I know that I am dead. May be some of you should dig my grave.

"I am sorry. But I am fine. It is just a sneeze." I told him.

"Just a sneeze. Your fever is 100. Care to explain the just sneeze now" oppa snitched me.

"Ok. May be I have a fever too. But I am fine." I told him.

"Wait. Once we are back. " bhaiya told me making me gulp in nervousness.

"Then bye I suppose. " I told him

"Ok bye. Take care 🙂 " he sighed and cut the call. "Take this paracetamol amd sleep well. Will talk about this tomorrow and we see your punishment " he told me helping me stand and into the bed with duvet. He he he

Hello guys. I am a bit busy with my research project.  So I won't be frequent for some days. But will try to be.

I know this update is so small. But I am sorry for that. I will do a good job in the next update.

Love That Complete UsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora