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It is almost one and a half year after our marriage. In between our dear Y/n has gone into labour and she has two bundle of joys playing around her. Making her angry and lovely and cute at the same time. Me and Aru always tease her saying that she has become the baby of their babies. Aru has taken leave for some days to spend with the babies when they were born.

After a long shift at night I have entered into our room to see my baby reading some file sitting in the sofa. She looks a bit frustrated today, what is it?

I kept my bag and sat near her...

"Hey, what happened?" I asked her. The next moment she started to cry. What scared me the most is I have never seen my sweetheart cry related to her works. She is so professional.

"shh... don't cry. There is nothing we can not solve in this world which includes you and me." I told me and side hugged, giving a tissue.

"I am fine. I just missed you" she told me.

"it is not even twenty four hour since I have gone" I chuckled at her.

"No, but still I miss you" she told me snuggling into my chest. What has gotten into her?

Then I heard a knock.... "knock...knock"

"Yes Tae come on in" I told him. Now she is in my lap, hugging me and snuggling into my neck.

"What happened?" he asked me worried.

"I don't know. She just missed me, nothing. But why did you come here?" I asked him.

Meanwhile my baby was looking at him with cute eyes... Tae gave me a confused look at me and told us "her family has arranged a small house warming, just family and some friends, told me to tell you guys".

Then suddenly we hear a sob.

"Now why are you crying?" I asked her..

"They could have called me and asked me directly. Now they too don't want me" she started to sob again.

Tae sat down in the sofa near her holding her small hands in his big hand and told her "Hey hey, don't cry. They thought that you might be busy and don't wanted to disturb you".

She stopped sobbing and looked at him with her doe eyes and smiled, that too a wide one "Oh, they thought I am busy. How thoughtful of them".

She again sobbed and told me "But ... now I don't know why I am crying". Tae just chuckled and is trying to hide his laugh.

"Ok, stop crying. You will have a headache if you cry so much baby" I told her.

"Hey, Aru. Can you tell me, Are you on your periods?" he asked her. I gave him a confused look. He gave me a reassuring nod and asked her "Tell me baby girl".

"I am not a baby girl" she pouted.

"Ok, big woman. Tell me" he told her.

"No. I am not. Why is it even a reason" she whined and closed her eyes.

"Hey, no. Now tell me. When did you have your last periods?" he asked me . Now I understood where this is going.

She shook her head. And stood up from my lap and was about to walk. But I saw her massaging her temple. I stood up immediately and made her sit and gave her a glass of water to drip.

She looked at me. "Drink it sip by sip".

"I am still feeling dizzy" she told us.

"That is fine. Please tell me when was the last time you had your periods." Tae asked her softly.

"I am two week late" she looked down in her lap. Her cheeks were blushing too much.

That was when the door opened and the two babies walked in along with their mama. Worry passed through y/n's eyes.

"What the hell. Why is her face like that? And what did you two do?" she asked us angrily.

"I think we are going to have another chaap running around here soon" Tae told winking at us.

"WHAT?! wow. oh my god" her eye ball will drop in the ground at any moment.

"mama, mama" Sana and Ana are going to be one year soon.

"yah, baby. You are going to get a little sister or a brother soon" she told them.

"Now we are going to confirm it by a blood test" Tae looked at Aru who is silent and in deep thought.

"hey, what happened?" Tae asked her and side hugged her.

"I am scared. and happy at the same time" she told him.

"ok, listen. There is nothing to be scared of and let us confirm first" he went out saying so. After two and a half minute he came inside with necessary items for blood test. She hid behind me and looked at him from my shoulder.

"Please do not hurt me a lot" she told Tae giving her puppy eyes.

"No, I will not. Now come sit here" he pointed to the sofa near her.

"but" she tried.

Now he became the monster "no. no but and you are getting a blood test" he held her and made her sit near him. She looked at me and I gave her an assuring smile.

She pouted and sat where she was told to. The blood test went fast without much tantrums.

Now we are waiting for the result and I could say that my baby is tensed. She stood up from the seat and started to pace around the room back and forth.

"Sit Aru. You will be fine. Just breath and relax. ok. It is fine. If you are pregnant we know how to take care of you. Just relax and it is not good for your health too, if you are pregnant or not" I told which made her a bit relax.

Tae came inside with his phone which has the result. "it is...". He is make me tense.

"It is ?" she asked him.

"yes, you are pregnant" he told her and hugged her and gave a small kiss on her forehead.

"Congrats both of you" he told us and hugged me too. Letting go of me, he told her "Tomorrow morning you have an appointment with me. A small check up. So take your time couple. Bye" .

He went out and I kissed her lips. And told her "Thank you sweetheart. You means a lot to me".

She looked at me and smiled shyly. oh my god. Those hormones are so weird....

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