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I slept in the shoulder of Kookie oppa. And it was a tiring day for me and all of us. I don't know when I slept. But I woke up to see Tae oppa playing with the kids, he looks sleepy. And is yawning from time to time. But the kids are super energetic, asking him questions and sometimes giving him kisses in the cheeks. All these are happening at 3 am in the morning. Why didn't kookie oppa called me to sleep.

If I am right Kookie oppa is fast asleep. While I was watching their play, a sharp pain occur. I unknowingly clenched my fists and winced. I closed my eyes because of that sharp pain. Then I felt a hand on my stomach.

I opened my eyes to see Tae oppa on my side. His eyes show concern looking at me. A tear dropped from my eyes. Tae oppa wiped them and told me "shh.. nothing, I got you".

Those words didn't meant anything. It just increased my heart rate.

"What is happening? Please don't tell me that I am going into labour. Not here, not now. Please." he gave me a sad smile.

"ahhh.." I cried due to the sharp pain going through me.

"this hurts a lot" I cried.

Kookie oppa jolted up and looked at me.

"oh sweety" he kept his hand in mine and looked at Tae oppa and he gave him a nod, which says everything. They stood up looking at me.

"we will be back. Till then breath through the pain ok. And stop those tension I have got you" Tae oppa told me  and kissed my forehead and they both walked away to somewhere, god knows where.

Kids are looking at me as if they have saw some thing big. Their eyes are wide now. They came towards me and kept their small hands over my stomach.

"is the baby disturbing you?" Sana asked me. She is a caring girl. who always care for her surrounding. Not that Ana is not caring. But Sana is just more.

"Yah" I voiced when the pain subsided. They blinked their few times to me.

Y/n di ran to me and hugged me.

"We are all with you. And they have tried to call the ambulance. Because we cant take the car and go since it is lock down. So you will be fine. I have got your hospital bag ready for you. And they are the best in this. You are going to be fine. I will take the kids to their bed, so that you can relax much more" she told me and walked away with the kids. Not before both of them consoling me and kissing my cheeks.

Seconds later Tae oppa came and kneeled in front of me. Held my hands into his "how are you feeling now?" he asked me.

"I am fine now. The pain has gone for some second" I told him.

He nodded and told me "The pain is the baby rotating to be on the position. Don't worry. That is how it is. May be if you cant endure the pain, we can give you epidural when you are 6 cm dialated. ok?" he asked me and I nodded along with a pair of contraction hitting me. I squeezed his hands.

"breath in for 5 seconds and through your mouth out for 5 seconds" he mimicked for me and I did.

"good just like that. Once more" he mimicked for me through out the pain.

The best brother and the best doctor I could ever ask for. I thought in my mind.

"where is kookie oppa?" I asked him.

"he is talking with 911, for the immediate reply of ambulance" Tae oppa told me caressing my back.

Kookie oppa came inside the living room and hugged me. "you are going to be fine. Just trust us. you will be fine. You can take epidural. Don't worry I have stocked it, I have foreseen things happening to be like this" he told me earning a sigh from me.

"ok" I nodded.

"what about the Ambulance?" Tae oppa asked him.

"They wont arrive on time, an accident has occured on the road. And if they arrive on time, she might go into labour in the ambulance. So I think we have to prepare the clinic" Kookie oppa told him.

"I will help you with it" Avinash Bhaiyya came into view. He hugged me.

"we are all here. Nothing to worry" he consoled me. " I have called Shant, he will be here in few seconds" he told me.

The bell rang. Tae oppa opened the door and a wet Shant Bhaiyya came into our view. Tae oppa looked at him in disbelief.

"what the-" the pain stopped my rampage.

"hey shhhh.. I am fine. I will change and come. And you baby is well and fine with me. Breath and you are good" Shant Bhaiyya told me and went with Tae oppa.

"The kids slept. Do you want something?" she asked me and I nodded a 'no'.

"The pain?" she asked me and I nodded.

"oh sweetey. You are ok. Just breath through the pain. I know people can say that, and it is us who is going through the pain and not them. But you will be fine" she patted my head and kookie oppa helped me through breathing.

Shant changed into dry clothes and sat near me and patted my head and hugged me.

"did her water broke?" he asked particularly to no one.

"no, there is time. she will be fine" Tae oppa assured me and smiled at me.

Within one hour, many contraction came and I breathed through the pain.

"let us change your dress to something simple. Since we don't have a hospital gown may be like casual maxi for night. So that I can check you easily, ok". Tae oppa asked me and I nodded.

Kookie oppa helped me to stand and we slowly walked to our room. Apparently our room is in the second floor.

"do I have to climb?" I asked him.

"yes you have to" he gave me a sad smile. I sighed climbing them.

"carefully... just like that" he helped me through the stairs.

"Let us change into this" he told me showing an old maxi type dress and I nodded.

"ok" I told him.

"good" he smiled at me.

"our baby is coming" I told him with a smile.

"yes baby, our baby is coming" he told me and kissed my head.

"Let us go to the third floor, Tae is waiting for us, so that he can check on you. ok?" he asked me and I nodded. I know what is coming for me. I sighed.

"it is going to be fine" he told me walking towards the door and opening it and we walked out of the door.


I have been a bit busy. May beady to be precise. And here you go with the next chapter.

Hope you like it.

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Love you all. 

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