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It was a tiring day and lot of deliveries. Got no time to even drink sufficient water. And when I got home I saw my sweetheart scrolling in her phone. This is her eight month. So most of her tantrums are at peak. Me or Tae will always be there to watch her.

And she a cute and big baby bump.

"Why are you not sleeping baby?" I asked her.

She looked at me and told me "I am not getting any sort of sleep and thought to study about baby for the future".

"And what did you get?" I asked her.

"a lot, but can you tell me how the baby is born?" she asked me.

"it is better that you do not know it sweetheart, at least for the time being" I told her because I don't want her to be terrified of it.

"oh come on. Please" there she goes, she used her puppy eyes.

"no" I told her.

"see even the baby wants to hear it. Please" she came towards me and kept my right hand on her belly where our baby is and I felt a kick.

"ok, I will. But don't cry after that. Deal?" I asked her. I know I am digging my own grave.

Then I started to tell her everything like a story. she listened to it like a small baby eager for her candy. Thank god, she didn't freak out. It is not as easy as it speaks baby. Let us pray to god to make things fast for you.

Now it is almost 10pm and she should sleep. So I told her "it is time for you to sleep. Come on".

"no, I am not sleepy. Can you show me the video of it?" she asked me.

"no, absolutely no" I told her and made her lay down.

"Now no more talking only sleeping" she nodded laying down and I caressed her hair to make her sleep.

"Thanks oppa" I heard it like a whisper.

After sometime I heard some shuffle, making me instantly alert.

"What are you doing Aru?" I asked her.

"oh you are awake? That is great. Can you make me some soup and some Cookies, I am craving for them." she asked me, she is not at all sleepy.

I looked at her. She is standing beside me keeping her left hand in the back and right hand to support her belly.

"You want that at 2 am in the morning" I asked her looking at the clock. She nodded smiling.

She has gained some weight and become chubby. Since she has some complications in her delivery, Tae has told her not to lift anything too heavy.

"Come on oppa. Make me some soup. I am hungry" she told me, tears threatening to fall anytime from now. I instantly stood up and held her towards my chest.

"ok lets go. I will make you some" I told her.

I side hugged her and we walked down. Tae was sitting in the dinning table doing some paper work.

"what happened?" he asked me.

"somebody is craving veg soup and told me to make her" I told him and he smiled at her.

"you cant say no to it. It is healthy" she told him rolling her eyes. He couldn't hold his laughing back. He came towards her and made her sit on the chair.

"Now sit here and eat your veggie healthy soup and I have no objection" he told her keeping his both hands above his head showing that he was surrendering. She laughed. With that they started to chat, him telling her about the twins and she laughing out loud.

"Here you go" I served the soup. A tear dropped from her eyes.

"I know I have been so angry on you, but still you made these for me. I am so happy" she told me and started to eat. I looked at Tae and he was enjoying the show.

"oh no Baby. you were angry because of your hormones" I defended her.

"oh so it is my fault that I am angry and not because you didn't do the fault" she asked me making my mouth wide open.

"no, I didn't mean that. You eat this without speaking and I will finish all your problems, no my problems" I told her making her seriously nod.

At last I made her understand and it eventually turned to be my fault because it is my baby she is carrying, her words not mine.

And after some time she slept. oh thank god, I can sleep peacefully now. No problem I can sleep tomorrow too, I am going to take leave for tomorrow. But god had different plan for my sleep tonight. Typically Aru has different plans.

"Oppa" she shook me, and the voice was cracked. My god what happened? It is only her 8th month. Don't tell me you are going to labour sweetheart.

"What happened?" I asked her, she was holding her phone.

"Did someone called you?" I asked her pointing to the phone.

"No, no one. I watched the delivery video.... I am... I am scared... I don't want to give birth" she sobbed into my chest. Fisting my t-shirt.

"Hey baby" after my try to console her to stop crying.. it did..

"I am scared now" she told me with her red eyes.

"I know sweetheart, I know. If you had listened to me, nothing would have happened. Right?" I asked her.

"No, you kept the secret from me. I don't want to give birth" she begged me. Oh god.

"I know it is scary sweetheart. But that is how it work. That is a natural process. All of us are born that way. Me, you and everyone on this world are" I tried my best.

"No. I don't want to give birth like that. Not surgery too" she is begging to me while sobbing.

"Baby, I need you to calm down" I told her.

"how am I supposed to calm down when I have to go through something severely painful and do things at the same time and you dont have any right to say. You are nlt the one who is to endure the pain, you are not the one who should push. It is me.". she yelled at me.

Someone knocked at the door.

"Please come in" I told them.

"Why the hell she crying and screaming?" Tae asked me seeing her hysterically crying.

"She is scared about delivery and telling me that she don't want to give birth, she watched the delivery video" I told him.

"What?!" he asked me in disbelief. Tae composed himself and sat near her.

"Aru look at me" he told her. She looked at him.

"Oh dear. There is nothing to worry about. It is not going to be not that way ok? Things are different for each individual, according to how they handle things. And i have seen you handle much more severe things than this. And you can do this, i know you can. Believe in me and things are going to be easy than you think. ok?" he asked her and she somehow managed to understand things. Thank god, it went well.

Tae looked at me in disbelief. "I didn't show it to her. She watched it herself" I told him.

"Aru, From now on. You are going to lessen your screen time. There are chances of radiation and I don't want that. And I will give you some books. Read it and ask me questions if you have. You got it,? And i will ask you questions to make sure you read it. Ok?" she nodded.

"And if I see you watching something you shouldn't I will keep your phone away until your delivery. You got it?" he asked her and she again nodded.

"Words Aru. I wont understand if you don't speak" he told her in his cold tone.

"I understood" she told him like a whisper. He cupped her cheeks and kissed his forehead. She smiled.

He told us to sleep and I made sure to make her sleep this time. She is a devil in disguise to my sleep.

And the day went by...

Hope you all like it,

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