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We some how reached home. There was a huge traffic and government has declared shut down for one week. There is continuous storm and heavy rain fall. Many emergencies and casualities have been reported so far.

We had our dinner talking about many things and I had a few business calls to attend. And I have finished it.

We were in our bedroom. While Kookie oppa was doing his work of reading his patients file and at the same time massaging my foot, and I was reading some legal papers that I have to sign for the shipping of the products.

"Knock" a knock was heard.

"Yes, come in" I yelled, so that the person can hear.

"We have the last vaccine coming" Tae oppa told me coming inside. I groaned.

"I hate this so much" I told them.

"but I know 'the last' will make you happy right?" Tae oppa asked smiling in his glory.

Glory, my foot. I hate him too.

"Nope, not today" I told him, but he did not barged.

"who told you this nonsense?" Tae oppa asked me sitting on the bed near me.

"me, I told this to you" I am starting to get angry.

"Are you ok?" he asked me keeping his hand on my stomach, and frowning his eyebrows.

"Yah, I am fine" I assured him feeling tired.

"ok ok. Then Jungkook it is in your hand. Wishing you all the success" he told Oppa and walked out, and not before giving me a wink. I looked somewhere else. I heard him chuckle.

"we will do it before going for dinner. Till then try to relax" kookie oppa told me. I did what he said, I really tried.

After some time.

"so, deep breath" he instructed while preparing the medicine to inject me to death. I did as he instructed.

"good" he told me and I felt him uncovering my pants and panties in from my right cheeks. And he pinched me with his fingers.

"...." I winced.

"shh, its nothing. Deep breaths" he instructed and I felt the needle piercing inside me.

"ahh" I screamed.

"hey, shh.. its done, done and done" he told me and hugged me immediately disposing the needle.

"shh.. I am sorry. it is fine. You are fine" he told me hugging.

seconds later somebody barged into my room. It was Tae oppa.

"Is she in pain?" Tae oppa asked and came to me, sitting beside me he kept his hand in my stomach.

"she is fine. Just the vaccine" Kookie oppa told him and he sighed.

Tae oppa swiped my tears and told me "if you are feeling any sort of discomfort, no matter when, where or the type of pain, you should tell us. ok?".

"yah" I whispered.

"ok, now we have to eat something" he told me and I nodded.

As a pregnant and silly woman, everything feels discomfort for me. But I am not telling any of this. They will call me silly. I don't want that.


I knew something is going on with Aru and god knows what it is. Taking her to dinner table, we talked a lot.

"Kook I want to have a word with you" Tae told me and we walked towards our clinic.

"what is it?" I asked him.

"is everything ok with Aru?" he asked me.

"yah, she told me she is fine. I don't know if she is hiding something from me." I told him.

"you try to talk to her. When I checked her, it seems like she will be in labour soon, it wont take 4 weeks. Things are going so early" he told me making me happy and scary at the same time.

"Thank god, I have bought and kept an epidural here. If at all something happens" I told him and he patted my shoulder.

"don't worry. Everything is going well. We will figure this out, if at all something happens. She is fine" he assured me and we walked into the dinning room to see my wifey watching something on TV, keeping her legs on the table nearby. She is watching the news.

"They have shut it down for 4 weeks. What if something happens?" she asked me.

"Nothing will happen. You are fine and will be fine" I didn't want to overwhelm her. So I didn't told her about the chances of early labour.

"Hey sweety, how about we sleep. Ha?" I asked her.

"I am not feeling sleepy" she pouted.

"Then what do you feel?" I asked her. I sat near her and caressed her hair.

"I'm not feeling well" she teared up. At last she told me that something was up.

"Why? What happened?" I asked her keeping a hand on her tummy.

"Is my baby disturbing you?" I asked her genuinely.

"I don't know what I am feeling. But something feels different. I can't understand what is it?" She told me. I think she is feeling frustrated.

"Hey dont worry. Everything is going to be ok." I assured her and she leaned to me.

"How about we try to sleep? You might feel well" I tried to drag her to our bed.

"I don't want to go up now' she told me.

Tae was watching her closely. He came towards her and sat beside her.

"Hey, do you want me to check you?" He asked her. She immediately denied.

"It's just a false labour I am sure " she told Tae.

"Ok, ok no problem. I am not checking you. But you have to call one of us if something doesn't feels well. Ok?" He asked me.

We talked out for some time. And Tae was always checking her with eyes. And he some times keep his hand on her stomach.

Later, watching some satisfying videos, she slept in my shoulder. When I was about to wake her up, Tae stopped me and told me " she seems tired, let her sleep for sometime. Call her when you are going to sleep. Till then let her sleep. Call me if you need something, I will be with the babies. I have duties in twin's room. Y/n's order" he laughed at his thought of keeping the babies sleep and play with them.

Hello guys.

I know it was a bore chapter. Sorry for that. But I promise to do a better chapter next time. 😌

Pls do vote and comment 🙏

Love you all

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