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An ambulance arrived at the emergency department of our hospital. I know what is the case. We all have been praying it to end soon. This is the nineth case of rape in this month. Being a man in ob gyn department is not so easy when we have to deal with rape cases. Where they dont want any men to be near them, they want to suicide, they can only just cry. I literally want to rip of such psychos.

"16 year old girl child". This was all it took me to go and help her out. She was continuously crying, not letting even women to be near her, she is trying to get off from everyone. We shifted her to a room were I will have more space to work and she will have more privacy. she has been continuously shouting all the way. There are no female gynecologist here to help me today, all my interns are not even here, irresponsible kids.

When I saw a terrifying face of the child, I let everyone out except a nurse whom I believe really good at confronting victims in such cases. I think she felt relieved when I made everyone wait outside even my so called interns who are really responsible. But her face shifted to my side and got terrified her heartbeat is getting high.

"calm down. ok. Relax and breath. I wont do anything. I am here to help you. I am doctor. I will not do anything. so can I help you now and this is our head nurse Adeline she will assist me. All these will be done if you cooperate, we will not hurt you. OK. Only with your permission. Can we check you now?" I asked her.

She nodded still crying and hiccupping. "can I be alone for some minute" she asked me. "I am sorry dear, I cant let you be alone in this situation." I told her.

"do you want a hug, Adelina can give you one" I asked her and she nodded and Adelina immediately hugged her. After sometime I told her "I know all this is so terrifying for you. But can I check you. I mean the check up will not be easy so I am going to give a sedative, that too only with your permission". I asked her.

"please dont use sedative I am scared. It will make me sleep and they did it" she told me begging. Those psychos even used a sedative, I am going to kill them. "you believe in me right. I will not do anything and I will make sure other we both no one will enter inside. Because this will be a painful examination for you mentally and physically, I dont want to see you like than. so now tell me what am I supposed to do?" I asked her.

She is so terrified that she cant even make a decision. She only letting me to speak to her at a distance, but when I cover that distance she will scream her lungs out. So I cant check her out. Usually Tae does these check ups. Today he has to go home early to see his wife, my little sister who is not expecting him. Today is my day to help these poor victims. Only if we could find them and beat them up.

Adelina put the iv over her hand and a sedative medicine has used to sedate her. She didn't let go of Adelina's hand in the process. She is really terrified. She is bleeding a lot now. After some time making sure that she is fine and her bleeding has stopped. She started to drift to sleep.

After making sure she was asleep with the help of Adelina I started the check up. In short when I saw her parts I can say that he was rough and has ripped out the tissues in her vagina. I took some sample from her vagina so that we can file the case against the gang. She must be real pain because of the damage of tissues. So after the check up I administered some painkillers. Jimin will take over her case for counselling. He is the best in it.

After making sure that she was fine and the security is guarding the door well I went to my cabin to call Tae and tell him about the case and its situations. "Hello Tae" I called him and he responded fast. "hello kook I heard it. Is it sever?" he asked me.

"More than you can imagine, full of bruises and the tissues were damaged. These poor girls are going through a lot" I told him and I could here a sigh from him. "y/n no. Dont you dare to have another pack of biscuit. Enough is enough. Give that to me" he told to y/n who is always craving for sugar, poor girl she is suffering from diabetics.

"is my little sister torturing you a lot" I asked him. "torturing will be less Jungkook. It is more than that. I will call you back. Let me teach her a lesson" he told me and cut the call. The day went by so fast. When I was about to go home I got a call from mom. It has been a while since I talked to her. I attended the call.

"hello mom what's up?" I asked her.

"nothing I call to tell you that. We have fixed your marriage. And you should get married. She is a lovely innocent girl. she is so cute. And you know I have seventh sense when coming to talk about a woman's behaviour." she asked me making me shocked.

"but mom. What if she dont like me? I mean mom it is so..." I couldn't continue.

"dont worry. Just believe in me. She is from India. she is journalist and a manager, has high IQ. she is just 19"she told me." That is a huge gap mom. But before anything I want to talk to her in person."

That is the only problem, but she said a yes from her side. But she told us she want to talk to you just like you said. So I have send you her profile and the number. But listen no matter what you should marry her because this is a business' deal. And you cant divorce. So please be nice to her just like you are and I am sure you will love her, just like love at first sight. so all the best" she told me.

"Ok mom. I will talk to her and will let you know tomorrow." I told her.

"Thank you so much son" she told me and cut the call.

I dont know what just happened. I saved her number and saw her photo. she is so gorgeous, so cute and so innocent and matured at the same time. I messaged her.

"hi Arundhati. I am jeon Jungkook. My mom told me about you. So when do you want to have a conversation".

I got a reply immediately.

"hi . You can suggest a time according to your schedule. I will be fine at anytime". she told me.

"ok. Let us talk at night. Is that ok?" I asked her.

"Yah it is ok. We can have facetime at night." she told me.

"ok sweetheart, see you at night". I told her

I know she must be blushing from no response.

"ok. see you my fiancé " she told me making me blush.

"ok ok. bye bye" I told her.

"Bye" she told me.

Cant wait to talk to her. I know just from talking that she is my wife. Only my mom knows what is good for me.

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