-ˏˋ Episode 22 ˊˎ₊❏

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Namjoon's POV:

As per our plan we all got ready and left the house, aerin and the girls were watching a movie and mom and dad were again back to work!

So we left the house with no delay!
Breaking the Dark Spell

It was a quiet evening, we all huddled together in a secret room. There was a feeling of worry hanging in the air. Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Eunwoo, and our police friends—Soobin, Yeonjun, Huening Kai, and Beomgyu—all gathered for one mission: to face the shadows that haunted Aerin.

We planned like a team, each person having a specific job. It was like a secret mission with everyone knowing their part.

We found out Gyung-Soo, the guy causing trouble, was meeting at a dark restaurant on the edge of town. The room got serious; we were about to step into the unknown.

The night air was charged with anticipation as we approached the ominous restaurant, determined to confront Gyung-Soo and put an end to the shadows he cast over Aerin's life. The creaking of the door echoed our nerves, but there was no turning back.

Seokjin hyung, strong and resolute, led the charge. With a forceful kick, the door swung open, revealing the dimly lit interior. The room fell silent for a moment, broken only by our synchronized footsteps.

Seokjin's voice boomed, "Gyung-Soo, it's over! Surrender now!"

Gyung-Soo, surrounded by his henchmen, smirked defiantly. "You think you can just barge in here and take me down? You're in over your heads."

Yoongi, our quiet strategist, retorted, "We're not here to negotiate. The game ends now."

Hoseok, usually jovial, wore a stern expression. "You messed with the wrong family, Gyung-Soo. It's time to face the consequences."

Taehyung chimed in, "You hurt Aerin, and now you'll pay for it. Surrender peacefully, and maybe you'll get a fair trial."

Jungkook, added, "You won't get away this time. We're not scared of you."

Eunwoo, the outsider but firmly on our side, stepped forward. "You've caused enough trouble. It's time to own up to your actions."

Yeonjun, from the police team, warned, "The law has caught up with you, Gyung-Soo. There's no escape now."

The tension hung thick as Gyung-Soo chuckled, "You talk big, but let's see if you can back it up."

The battle erupted with a clash of fists and the echo of gunshots. Amidst the chaos, Beomgyu strategically sought cover, eyes locked on the unfolding mayhem.

Jimin, dodging a swing from Gyung-Soo, shouted, "You won't hurt us anymore!"

Seokjin, engaging in a fierce one-on-one with Gyung-Soo, demanded, "Tell us why you are after Aerin. You've tormented her enough."

Taehyung, facing off against one of Gyung-Soo's henchmen, yelled, "You think you can intimidate us? We're not backing down!"

The restaurant, usually a quiet place, turned into a battleground. It was like a big fight, with everyone playing their part and the shadows disappearing in the chaos.

In the midst of the chaos, Jungkook, who always protected us, got hurt. A loud bang echoed, and he fell down. a deep wound on his shoulder. The pain was etched across his face, but his resilience kept him conscious.

Beomgyu, strategically positioned, got caught in the crossfire but miraculously survived a gunshot to his arm. He skillfully hid behind a wall, suppressing the pain and ready to rejoin the fight.

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