-ˏˋ Episode 1 ˊˎ₊❏

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"Yaaaahhhh, wake up! You'll be late for school!" The woman in her 30's yelled at the young girl who was sleeping like a dead crocodile.

"Umm, mom, five more minutes!" the girl said, not moving an inch.

"Yah, wake up!" her mom shook her so she could wake up.

"Moooommmm~, why are you waking me up so early??" the girl whined.

"Huh? Early? Look at the time, it's 6:45!"

"What? 6:45??" the girl yelled while sitting straight on the bed, her hair messy, face puffy, eyes widened.

"OMG, I'm late again, arghhhh.." she said while getting up from the bed and running towards the bathroom. After a couple of minutes, she came out of the bathroom, went towards the closet, changed her clothes, put her hair in a bun, then ran downstairs.

"Hi, mom," she said while grabbing an apple from the dining table. "Bye, mom!" she said as she took a bite, picked up her bag, and started to run towards her car.

"YaH, eat your breakfast AERINNN!" her mom yelled, but she had already gone with her driver.

At school, Aerin's POV:

I entered the school and ran towards my class. Luckily, I'm not that late. I immediately went towards my friends and sat in my seat.

"Phew! You're saved today!" Lisa said.

"Yeahhh!" I said, panting heavily.

"How do you sleep so much that you get this much late?" Jennie asked, not believing.

"It's a trick, you won't understand!" I said, winking at her.

"Yeah, yeah!" Jennie said, and all four of them chuckled.

The professor entered the class, we all greeted him, and the lecture started.

Lunchtime, at the cafeteria:

We were all sitting at our table, talking and laughing with each other, until...

*Ding~* My mobile phone dinged. I saw that I got a message from mom.

Mom: Aerin, today come home early, I want to talk about something with you.

**Aerin:** Okay, mom.

*Conversation ended.*

I put my phone back in my pocket and continued talking.

After school, I went directly home with my driver. I saw my mom sitting on the couch, talking on a call with a smile. Unknowingly, a smile crept on my face too. My mom saw me standing at the doorstep, cut the call, and asked me to come.

I went towards her and sat on the couch.

"Yes, mom, what do you want to talk about?" I asked as I hugged her.

"Umm, first go get freshened up. Until then, I'll serve lunch on the table, then we'll talk, okay?" my mom said.

I nodded and went to my room to freshen up. After getting ready, I came downstairs to the dining room and saw my mom already sitting at the table. I smiled and went towards her, sitting in front of her on my own chair.

"Yes, mom?" I asked, taking a bite from the delicious food my mom made.

"Mom? How did you come home so early today??" I asked curiously, as my mom never came home from the office before 8 pm.

"Because I want to discuss some important things with you," my mom said, smiling.

"Okay! What is it?" I asked as I took another bite.

"We are shifting to Korea because of some business issues and other matters. We are going there, and from now on, we'll live there!" my mother said, moving the spoon in the air with every word.

I dropped my spoon and looked at my mom, shocked. I stopped munching on the food that was in my mouth.

"What about my friends?" I said as I gulped the food in my mouth and spoke. "What about my education?"

"You'll continue your studies there," my mom said.

"What, mom? Why so sudden? You know I'm not that extroverted to make new friends there! How will I survive there all alone?" I asked, tears welling up in my eyes, thinking about leaving my friends.

"Aerin, don't worry, dear. It's important for our business, and it's your hometown after all. You'll get along with the people out there, trust me," my mom said, caressing my upper hand to comfort me.

I slowly nodded, thinking that my mom would be happy with this decision. So, I agreed with her, knowing I didn't have a choice. My mom had already decided what to do, so I had to agree with her, whether today or tomorrow.

I finished my lunch and told my mom that I was going to my room to study.

Another day at school, at the cafeteria:

"Unnie, I'm going to Korea after two days!" I said to my friends while eating my lunch.

"Wow, it's great. Have fun and bring a gift for me!" Jisoo said with puffy cheeks because of the food in her mouth.

"For my whole life!" I completed my sentence, thinking they were misunderstanding.

"What??" All four of them yelled, and Jisoo choked on her food.

"Yah, stop shouting!" I said, giving Jisoo a glass of water.

"But why?" Rose asked.

"Mom's business," I said sadly, while playing with the spoon on my food plate.

"Oh, don't worry. We will be only one call away from you. Just call us whenever you feel down, and if you get into any problems, tell us, we'll come there!" Jisoo said as everyone nodded.

"Let's go to the library, I want to buy a book," Lisa said. Everyone nodded and picked up their bags, following her to the library.

"Guess what, it's a fanfiction book," Lisa said, showing the book to all of us and smiling like an idiot.

"It's a fanfiction about Mingyu of Seventeen," Lisa said, hugging the book and squealing.

"Shut up, you chameleon," I said, smacking Lisa on her head and putting my fingers on her lips as it's a library and anyone can complain about her shouts.


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