Suddenly, Minho grabs me and pulls me in to his arms. His shoulders start shaking and his tears start to fall. Out of all of them, Minho crying shakes me to the core. Knowing how much he holds in his emotions. He rarely cries in front of others. And all I know to do, is just hold him closer as my own tears fall.

We stay like that for a long time. Eventually he slides down the wall. Pulling me down with him, he holds me in his lap. I wrap my arms around him, holding him tight, as his tears continue to fall. I'm beginning to become worried. My heart is shattering at his tears and I don't know what to do. He isn't responding to me talking to him.

"Minho, sweet one, please, stop. You are breaking my heart. What has brought this on? Please, talk to me." I softly stroke the tears away, wishing I knew how to help him.

Eventually, his shaking subsides as does the tears. But still, he won't look up. I sense someone walk into the kitchen and look up at Han. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to help him and Han must have sensed it. I feel like I've broken him somehow. I've done this to him, to them. What am I thinking?

"Jagiya, please. I know love. But she's here baby. She came to us. Please let us help you. That's all she wants to do." Han comes to the side and sits next to Minho. Putting his arm around us both, he pulls us into a tight hug. Slowly, I feel Minho relax. Finally, he looks up at me.

"You came. You actually came. When Seungmin said-said you might be moving, my heart shattered. I-I need you in my life Lynn. Please don't ever leave us. Why am I feeling this way? I don't even understand it!!! But you feel right. Like you complete us. Please don't take that away. Please." Minho whispers the last part while tears stream down his face again. Reaching up to wipe them away, I look at him, then Han. Han guesses what I'm about to do and nods with a smile. I do the only thing I know to do to reassure him. As I lean toward him, his eyes grow big. He closes his eyes and lets out a soft sigh as my lips touch his.

Han is watching, knowing this is the only thing that might snap Minho out of it. When they hadn't returned to the table, he got worried. After quickly talking to Chris, he knew he needed to come in. Seeing his lover so upset and looking lost just now, was like a punch to the stomach. He knew Lynn had awakened something in Minho, they'd talked about it yesterday. But he hadn't realized till now how deeply Minho's feeling for Lynn are.

He watches as Minho takes over the kiss, deepening it. Han suddenly wishes he was kissing her too. Lynn doesn't let it go too far though and pulls back. Han is surprised, but realizes Lynn has a lot more control that he understood. He knew this was not the time nor place, but secretly wanted them to keep kissing. Seeing her kiss his soulmate like that was hot!

"Mind out of the gutter Hannie. I saw that look." I can't believe this man. Sheesh. Oh, who am I kidding, it took everything in me to stop the kiss! Damn Minho can kiss!

"Thank you gorgeous. Thank you, my love. I've never felt such gut-wrenching fear before. I never want to feel that again. And Minnie is getting air fried."

"My darling love, I'll help you with that, plus tissues. He scared all of us. He's been getting a serious talk since you've been in here. Plus, Hyunjin smacked him pretty hard. He might have a bruise. I'm pretty sure he knows what's going to happen."

"OK, Ok you two. No serious damage. But he may get a shoe thrown at his head for that stunt, by me. I had no clue he was going to do that. He's a savage little shit of a puppy! Yes, I laughed because of the chaos of watching y'all scramble to get up. But I am not happy with how he went about this. Scratch what I said, there isn't a maybe. He's getting a shoe launched at him. And I happen to have deadly aim." They both look shocked at the vehemence in my voice.

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