Chapter 86- Night Terror

Start from the beginning

He nods, "And the most important one?" 

My lip quivers, "Don't..." I inhale a shaky breath and look into his dead eyes. "Don't say 'no'." 

He nods and kisses me gently on the forehead, "That's right. Now, we've got a lot of catching up to do, don't we?" Nick smiles a predatory smile, "The power couple, back together." 


I shake my head, trying to find words that he wouldn't classify as "talking back" though I know anything I say will be "talking back".

He raises an eyebrow and looks at me warningly, "No? Adrian, babe, you left me. And you act like I was the one who ruined your life." 

I chew on my cheek, "You did." 

Nick's eyes harden, he clicks his tongue and inhales a sharp breath. "Oh, no, Adrian. They didn't...actually get to your head...did they?" 

"The fuck do you mean?" I hiss, cautiously. 

" didn't actually believe that all men don't hit their girlfriends...right?" 

I clench my jaw, my teeth grinding against each other. "Actually, I did. And I do." 

He chortles and shakes his head, "No you don't. I see those knuckle marks on your cheekbone. It's courtesy for a man to hit a woman when she misbehaves." 

Don't let him get to you. Don't let it happen.

Nick had such an impact on my brain, that it's almost like there's a soft spot for him. Like his words are all immediately true, he knows this. And he uses it to his advantage.

I wish I could say I'm confident in myself to not believe him.

"It was an accident." I squeak.

He laughs a fake laugh, "Yeah, I can tell you're real confident in that response." 

"I am. I was there." I spit, pressing myself against the door further. 

Nick tenses his arm, ready to slap me, but he doesn't. For some odd reason.

Thank god.

"Hitting a girl isn't an accident, Adrian." He says, turning around and walking away, his back facing me.

Now's my chance.

Without wasting a second, I swing the door open and bolt out of the room. The adrenaline in my body not allowing me to think negative thoughts.

I don't know where I'm going, I don't know where I am. I just need to put as much distance between Nick and me as possible, even if that means leaving him alive.

"ADRIAN!" Nick's angry voice booms from down the hall. 

My legs move impossibly faster, turning me down a few halls, resulting in confused looks from other Saviors as I zoom past them. 

Everything around me is a blur as I run, my lungs are cold, and I have stitches in my ribs but I don't mind it. 

I turn down a corridor and find myself in a hall full of cell doors. There are bars for windows on them and big, industrial locks on the outside. 


Without thinking of the approaching Nick, I begin running again, searching each cell for my husband.

The men inside, dirty and scared, all look at me with horrified looks, as if expecting me to do something.

Fuck. I have to get Daryl out of here.

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