Lapis: Almia Shadows and Questioning Lights.

Start from the beginning

"I don't have a blessing."

"What about motion sickness? You gonna start saying you don't have that either?" He looked away as she sighed. "One of these days you'll have to admit it to yourself. The first step to recovery is acceptance."

"And what do you know about that?" He instantly fired back, making her pause her retreat. She took a second before responding.

"I did the same thing as you. Only that was for the fact that I lost a limb." He was pulled into silence at that. "I've accepted that as a fact. So I know all about that." She then walked away, leaving him to his thoughts.

He eventually joined the other three, who had found a nest of the enemy.

"That's them." He gulped as he pulled out his weapon.

"Let's go."


Upon returning, he was lost in thought. Did Wendy ever tell him that she lost a limb? She did. He had just thought she was joking. Clearly not. But which one? Spenser must've noticed his silence as he felt a nudge.

"You good?" He nodded softly as they entered their area of the Sanctum.

"Yeah. Wendy's just getting to my head again." Spenser hummed as he went to his room, his mind still running.

He knew she was right. He had been blocking his life out like it doesn't exist. The problem was that every time something like motion sickness or his blessing came up, one problem joined them.

He couldn't remember.

How did he get his blessing? When did he get it? He couldn't remember. How long had he had his motion sickness? He couldn't remember. His memory held his life together. He didn't want to say these things and then not have a memory. There was never enough info. 5 things were being held down by the fact that he couldn't remember.

He decided to confront Wendy in the morning about it. She wanted to taunt him about acceptance? He could play that game.


"So you admit it?"

"Before you go trying to use this as bragging rights, I'm not done."

She carried this smirk on her face as he kept a glare on his face.

"Alright. Go on." He took a second to recompose himself before speaking.

"I may have a blessing... but the problem is I don't remember."

"Don't remember what?" He was going to kill her. He shot this look at her before growling.

"Well, for starters, I don't remember what it is, how or when I got it, and how well I can use it!" He sat down as she purred. "That's why I hid it. I have nothing to link it to! It's a black hole for me." He then put his head down. She took a second before sitting down, causing him to pick up his head.

"Is that the problem with the rest of it?" He paused. "Motion sickness... the fears... your weapon..." He was quiet for a minute before sighing.

"Yeah. I'm in the dark. I wouldn't hide if I knew what I was saying."

"So why not say that when I started bombarding you with questions?"

"I thought I did-" He paused as she shook her head.

"When I started asking you questions, you kept saying 'don't talk to me'. That's the only thing you would tell me. When I shifted to giving you orders, you listened, but I could not ask you anything because you would respond with 'don't talk to me'." He kept his eyes on his lap, unsure how to respond. "Lunick, I'm not mad. I just wished this was how you answered those questions. We wouldn't have to fight if you had just been honest." He looked at her with a pause.


"Yes. Why do you think I kept asking you the same questions over and over again? I just wanted the truth.You then shifted from blocking me out to denying everything I was questioning, which made me believe that I was right and that all I needed to do was to get you to admit it." He blinked twice before he sighed.


"Didn't know that? Of course you didn't. You never asked. Barlow is the only person that knows that about me. And he keeps thinking he told you."

"He did not."

"Clearly." She moved seats, getting next to him and pulling him into a hug. "Don't be ashamed. We can fix this..." He stayed quiet as he relaxed a bit in her grip. She smiled as she rubbed his back. "Dear lord, you are tense. Did you stress about this?"

"A little..." He pulled away slightly to rub his face. "I thought you were going to be a little more violent..." She smiled as she rubbed his back, allowing him to relax further.

"Don't worry about that." He nodded softly as she smiled. "Here. You go back to your group. Tonight, come find me." He paused before nodding.


"I'm sorry?"

Murph gulped. According to the reports, there was a vampire clan working with the enemy, who called themselves Team Dim Sun.

"This got harder..."

Lunick yawned. After a tiring day of dealing with the grunts and trying to get info on the clan, he was exhausted. But he wanted to know what Wendy was going to tell him. He waited for her to dismiss her team before she went over.

"How's it going?" He shook his head, getting a chuckle in response. "Well, I started looking a little and I did figure out what your blessing might be." He raised an eyebrow. "Thankfully, if I'm right about this blessing, we can fill that part of the void right now."

"Really?" She nodded as she brought him to the main break room.

"Let me show you."

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