1 - The Raft

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"Why do you think I did something? Maybe I ended up on the right side too." I said annoyed and he sighed.

"No right side according to you." Clint scoffed. Sam and I ignored him.

"Okay you made a point. What are you accused of?" Sam asked.

I went into the whole thing of everything they found in my apartment pertaining to Ross and taking him down. How someone stole my face somewhere whether prosthetics or some kind of AI thing. I felt my eyes well with tears and I dropped my head. I composed myself and then looked back up at Sam and Clint.

"I swear to you I'm innocent." I said and they sighed.

"We know Romy, you don't have a mean bone in your body." Sam said and I gave a small smile.

We were silent for a minute and then I took a deep, shaking, breath.

"How's Steve?" I asked and Sam gave a smirk.

"You hear that, Clint? She wants to know how Steve is." Sam said and I looked at him annoyed.

"We were friends Sam." I said and he nodded.

"He was torn when you stopped showing up for work. The day you were supposed to show up he was going to ask you out on a date." Sam said and I dropped my head again as the tears fell.

"Well, I'll never get to see where that goes." I said.

Sam introduced me then to Scott and then I looked at the female and noticed who it was. She looked like a shell since they had a power suppression collar on her.

"Wanda?" I said her name and she looked at me.

"Hey Romy. I'm sorry you're here." She said and I shook my head.

"I can handle it. I'm sorry you all are here." I said and then I huffed a laugh.

"What?" Clint asked.

"I was praying the other night for company. I was lonely." I said and Everyone gave a small laugh.

"Well, you got your wish sweetie." Sam said and I shook my head.

"I didn't mean like this Sam." I said and he nodded.

We all went silent and just did our own thing. Soon we heard the door buzz open again and I looked and was shocked at who I saw. He didn't seem to notice me, and I just sighed. I heard Clint start applauding sarcastically.

"The futurist ladies and gentlemen! The futurist is here! He sees all. He knows what's best for you. Whether you like it or not." Clint said.

"Give me a break Barton, I had no clue they'd put you here. Come on." Tony Stark said. I knew then this fight that Sam and Clint explained it was against Tony or something. I could only imagine what happened.

I couldn't hear the rest of his conversation with Clint, it was pretty quiet. I then did hear Tony say.

"This place is for maniacs, this is a place for..."

"Criminals? Criminals Tony. I think that's the word you're looking for. Here's the thing though. Is Romy Michaels a maniac or criminal?" Clint asked. Tony looked at him confused, Clint pointed at me across the way and Tony walked over.

"Romy..." Tony said and I just sighed.

"Tony..." I said and he groaned.

"I didn't know you were here."

"No one did. I was accused of a crime against Ross and sent here. All very hush hush." I said and he groaned.

"I have something to do, but I will get you out of here, I promise." Tony said.

"Ross is in charge, I won't hold my breath." I said and he walked away and just looked at me. He walked over to Sam, and they started talking.

"I need to know where Steve went Sam." Tony said. I perked up at this.

"Steve?! What happened?!" I asked. I was looked at but ignored. Tony subtly hit some buttons on his watch.

"Well, I just knocked the A out of their AV. We got about 30 seconds before they realize it's not their equipment. Now help me out Sam." Tony said. They started talking quietly and I didn't know what was going on. They talked quietly and quickly then Tony went to leave but then walked over to me.

"Listen, Rogers friend Bucky came back, and Steve went off the reservation. I was trying to make him see the reason for something, but I know I was wrong now. I'm going to find him. When I do, I will tell him you're here, but I can't promise he won't have a cell here with you." Tony said and I sighed.

"Just tell him to run, tell him to stay safe and that I... that I care about him." I said and Tony sighed but gave a small smile and left.

"You care about him huh?" Sam said as I watched Tony leave. I flipped him off with a smile and then looked at him and Clint.

"Tell me everything, now." I said and they groaned but started talking. 

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