'Slinky Little Witch'

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Contrary to Agatha's beliefs and confidence in herself, trying to forget about what had happened between her and Regulus proved to be a very difficult task, even more difficult was trying to not think about it. Fortunately, May had rolled around, and there were merely two months left of the school year. Agatha wouldn't see him during the summer, and she would forget about her crush. The entire memory of her and Regulus shagging would become just that, a mere memory, not her present. Agatha would never have to worry about being in the company of Black, feeling as if every particle of her being was exposed to him, ever again. Unbeknownst to Agatha, however, was the wide range of things that could happen in the span of those two months.

Agatha had decided to go on a walk around the grounds of Hogwarts with Evan. May had brought a warmer temperature along with it, even the slight breeze which was blowing Agatha's hair out of her face was warm.

"No, Evan, I do not want to help you dye your hair," said Agatha in a tiresome manner.

"Why not? I feel like I'd look good in a lighter shade," he said indignantly.

Agatha looked at him with raised eyebrows. "What, like mine?"

"Oh, bloody hell no— not that I mean that it doesn't look good on you," he added hurriedly, "I just mean that I don't think I'd do good in that light of a shade."

"If I'm honest with you, I just don't believe that a light blonde would look better than the hair colour you have now," she said.

"So you're calling me perfect as I am?" he asked, smiling sweetly and jumping on the spot like a 5 year old girl.

"If it convinces you to not dye your hair, then yes, I am," said Agatha.

Evan rolled his eyes. "Thanks, I suppose."

"You're welcome."

"Er... look, there's something I've been wanting to tell you," said Evan.

Evan didn't know why he had brought it up, he cursed himself in his mind. Why would he bring it up now?

"You've been in love with me this whole time?" said Agatha with a small smile.

"Sorry to burst your bubble of egocentrism, but no. It's about another girl," he said.

Her head snapped in his direction instantly and her eyes were wide with excitement. "You've got yourself a girlfriend?"


"Oh, well, what is it?" she asked.

"It's— er..." he started, scratching the back of his neck as he tried to think of a way to word his predicament. "Well, it's about Emma."

"Emma? As in our Emma?" she asked.

He nodded.

"What about her?"

"I've fancied her since fourth year," he mumbled.


Evan was surprised at Agatha's burst, she never bursted with surprise, it was almost as if she always knew about how things would go down before they did. However, this seemed to have come to her as a complete shock.

Evan only nodded in response.

"Why haven't you told me?" she asked, overwhelmed.

Evan rolled his eyes with a small, breathy chuckle. "Oh please, how could I have?"

"Perhaps simply in the way you just did to me?" she suggested.

"Well— whatever," he said.

"What are you going to do about it?" asked Agatha.

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