Eavesdropping Sparks Delight

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As Regulus made his way to the Library on Friday he thought about last night's patrol with Agatha. He had been surprised at how easy it was to have a normal conversation with her. He hadn't thought it possible for them to have an actual conversation, the ones they'd had up until yesterday had mostly focused upon teasing each other, hating each other, and that one considerably weird conversation about feelings.

Regulus was more than apprehensive for his and Agatha's Prefect patrol as he stood in the Common Room, awaiting her arrival. He had been overthinking the letter and whether she had read it a lot. It was unusual for him, he didn't overthink much. His thoughts were interrupted, however, by a sound of nearing footsteps.

"Hello," she smiled.

He nodded and they walked out into the dark halls.

"How's your day been?" she asked.

Regulus was surprised at the question since it was neither irritable, teasing nor flirtatious. Perhaps she had the same intention as he, a pursuit at common conversation.

He glanced at her while heaving a sigh. "Quite boring, in fact. Except for Quidditch practice."

"How is it, being captain?"

"It's nice, I've always wanted that power—"

"You like bossing people around that much?"

He smiled. "How's your day been, then?"

"Quite good, I got full marks on my test in Care of Magical Creatures. And dinner was really nice."

"You like C.O.M.C then?"

She smiled a bit sheepishly. "Not as much as Alchemy but erm, yeah, I do."

"Why?" he asked with a small frown. "I never enjoyed it much."

"I find magical creatures most fascinating."

"But you don't treat House Elves well, they're magical creatures," he said.

She frowned. "I suppose that's because it's so common to treat them badly, I don't think I would if I weren't raised like I was."

He nodded. "Do you have a favourite magical creature, by chance?"

"I like the Antipodean Opaleye," she nodded with a small smile.

"I never expected you to like dragons," said he.

She shrugged and then heaved a sigh. "I don't think I could ever take on being captain," she said conversationally.

"Why?" he asked. He was surprised, she was usually so confident and comfortable. "You like bossing people around and I bet you'd be good at Quidditch, too."

She tilted her head in a nod. "Yes, but I don't know... What's your favourite subject, anyway?" she asked.

His eyes widened momentarily at the sudden change of subject but answered: "Potions, Alchemy and Astronomy."

"Well Potions I already knew about, seeing as you're always shouting at me in class—"

"That's only because you're worse at it than I—"

"Untrue. But anyway, why do you like Astronomy so much?"

"Because I'm a star myself," he said.

She looked at him indifferently. "You're way too egocentric for the size of your brain—"

"What? But I am. I'm named after a star."

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