Quidditch and the Afterparty

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October extinguished itself in a rush of howling winds and pouring rain and November arrived. October went by quite ordinarily, not much happened at all, except for the Halloween party which had been quite fun. What was famous about November though, was the start of the Quidditch season, and even more famous were the Slytherin vs. Gryffindor matches.

Agatha's and Regulus' Prefect patrols had started going weirdly well. There weren't any fights like there were at the start of the year and no rounds filled with complete silence. Sometimes, quite rarely though, they even laughed. Two nights prior, Regulus had told Agatha about how nervous he was for the coming match and how equally exhausted he was. His schedule was quite rough; Quidditch practice which had become even more stressful since he was the captain of the team, school—which was very difficult in sixth year, having a social life, Prefect duties and trying to get enough sleep which proved to be a difficult feat.

It was Saturday and students were trudging down the grounds on their way to the Quidditch pitch. But what Agatha was most excited for was the after party, whether they won or not. She had a plan; if Slytherin was to win she would congratulate Wilkes, if they were to lose she could console him—either way she would be making a move.

They got to the stadium, Agatha, Barty and Zelia sat themselves down on the chairs, quite close to the edge of the bleachers. One side of the stadium was solid red and gold whilst the other was green and silver. The players walked out of the doors on opposite sides of the pitch and were met with the piercing sound of boo's and cheers.

"Good afternoon and welcome to the first Quidditch match of the season!" Gideon Prewett shouted excitedly into the microphone.

People around the stadium cheered.

"Today is—as it is said—the most cardiac arrest causing game of the year, I have to admit that I agree..."

"So do I, Fabian," said Gideon before shouting, "Slytherin versus Gryffindor! On the Slytherin side of the game we have seeker Regulus Black—who is also the new captain, chasers Benjamin Wilkes, Emma Vanity—"

Fabian took the microphone with a smile, "Hi Emma, you look dashing today —"

The stadium chuckled and when Agatha looked down to the pitch she saw Emma glaring and shaking her head in Fabian Prewett's direction, completely red in the face.

Gideon took back the microphone with a chuckle, "— and Evan Rosier. Then we have keeper Augustus Mulciber and beaters Caractarus Burke and Rabastan Lestrange. Very good team you have put together this year Black, let's just see if your playing is equally as good as your looks."

The stadium either cheered or boo'ed again.

Fabian started speaking, "Now— onto the Gryffindor team! As seeker we have Phoebe Dawson, chasers Geoffrey Fawley, Marlene McKinnon and James Potter—the captain, as keeper we have Sirius Black and the beaters are Arthur Browne and John Bell! Very nice team indeed and..."

Agatha looked down at Regulus, he was having a staring match with his brother, the both of them were sneering. The referee said something and Black and Potter shook hands as Regulus looked down at his rival. How ironic. They got on their brooms and the referee whistled loudly.

"And they're off!" started Gideon, "The quaffle is taken immediately by McKinnon from Gryffindor, excellent chaser she is, attractive as well —"

"Prewett!" scolded McGonagall.

"Sorry professor. Anyway, quaffle is passed to Wilkes and back to McKinnon— oof—" Prewett grimaced.

The crowd reacted the same way as Emma smashed hard into McKinnon who dropped the quaffle.

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