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"Miss Burke, can you answer the question please?"

"Yes, professor, we commonly use the Mandrake root, but they're quite difficult, therefore we use this—" she gestured at the plant in front of her, "—as a substitute, alas, it does not work quite as well."

"Very well, Miss Burke. Take five points to Slytherin..." The teacher trailed off as she stared out at the grounds. "What in the—"

The rest of the class mirrored her actions and gasped.

A Dragon was flying outside the castle, breathing fire with every breath.

"We have to go save the school, Agatha!" said Zelia.

"Are you insane!? It's a fucking Dragon, Zeze."

"You're the only one that can truly do it," said Zelia determinedly.

"She is right, Miss Burke," said the teacher.

Agatha woke up, wondering what in the name of Merlin she had just watched. Then she frowned, her eyes still closed.

What the fuck? she thought.

Her room didn't smell as it usually did, in fact, it smelled like... her mattress and covers felt a bit different, and... was that breathing she heard on her right? And... and what was that weight on her stomach?

Her eyes snapped open and she instantly looked at the person on her right. Her heart stopped for a moment, so did her breathing, she felt as if a brick had fallen into the pit of her stomach and she was about to throw up, but that was probably just the hangover.

It was Regulus Black.

She stared at the boy in complete bafflement. He was sleeping soundly with one arm draped over her stomach, he looked so calm, and the cold expression that lived on his face wasn't there anymore.

"Oh my fucking— Salazar save me," she breathed.

She dreaded the thought that popped so suddenly into her head. Had they...

She closed her eyes momentarily and looked down at her body, which was completely bare, and she noticed that so was Black's. She closed her eyes again and pulled the covers to her chest. The only thought in her head was how in the world she was going to get out of his room while completely unseen by him and any others in the halls. She looked over at the alarm clock on his nightstand, and relaxed a bit when she saw that there were three hours left until breakfast started, so the chance of anyone being in the halls was slim to none.

Now, the quest was to get out of bed, get her things and leave as fast as she could, lest he get the satisfaction of seeing her hungover, naked, dressing herself in embarrassment and regret, with a birds nest of a hair to boot.

Agatha got out of Regulus' bed very, very carefully, and started looking around the room. The problem was that it was very dark, so she could hardly see anything. She spotted her dress and pulled it on quickly, she gathered her shoes and her purse, she did not, however, see her underwear anywhere.

"Fuck," she mumbled.

So, she stood there, shoes and purse in hand, squinting around the floor of the room until she eventually gave up, walked out, and locked the door so slowly and quietly that she might've been a sloth.

When Agatha had gotten to her room, she instantly leaned against the wall and slid down it until she was sat on the floor with her eyes closed in dread.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" she breathed.

Images and memories from last night were flooding into her brain. Black's groans, everyone dancing, talking to Rabastan, that random Ravenclaw boy who had spoken to Zelia, she could hear her own moans and then images of Black's naked body leaked through her mind.

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