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After April had rolled around, in shone a bit of sunlight through the windows of Hogwarts castle. It seemed to be for the first time in, what what felt like, living memory. Students took to the grounds during free periods and recess, lounging on benches or under trees in the warming sun.

Clattering forks and knives, chatter and snickers were heard in the Great Hall during dinner on that Thursday afternoon.

"My, my, Evan, what has got you so smiley?" asked Barty with a faint frown.

"Mother sent me a letter today, she told me we're getting a dog," he smiled.

"A dog? A pet?" asked Barty.

"No, we're going to buy him and send him out to the woods— what do you think we're going to get a dog for?"

Emma and Agatha chuckled.

"I don't know—" started Barty with indignity, "I just thought that your father hated pets."

"He does. I suppose mother had something to do with it. But in any case we're getting a dog," he said, ecstatic.

"What's the point in getting a dog when you won't be able to see it for most of the year?" Regulus frowned.

"You might as well get a toad," said Agatha after swallowing some of her bread.

Evan glared at them and Regulus put his hands up in mock surrender.

"What? It's true?" said Agatha.

"How lovely," said Zelia with a small smile, ignoring the last bit of the conversation, "What kind?"

"Probably a Beagle."

Agatha smiled. "Have you thought of names?"

Evan looked thoughtful.

"Rocco?" suggested Barty with a chuckle.

"Sugar?" said Agatha with a mocking tone.

"Reggie," said Zelia with a pout.

Regulus glared at her.



"What about Salazar, you know, something historic—"

"No," said Evan instantly. "I haven't thought of a name yet."

"I wanted a bunny, never got one," said Zelia sadly.

"I wanted a cat, but Kreacher would probably have eaten it or something," Regulus rolled his eyes.

They looked at him for a moment, not being able to decide it it was funny or not.

"Anyway," said Emma, "Did you see Mulciber on the pitch yesterday? Absolutely horrid."

Regulus rolled his eyes. "I definitely did. Couldn't dodge a quaffle even if he was to slip off his broom and hit it with his head," he said with malice.

"He was so good only a week ago, what the fuck happened?" said Evan incredulously. "Needs to get a shag in, I say."

Regulus nodded.

"Why is that your solution to everything?" asked Emma.

Evan looked indignant and shrugged, "It helps."

Zelia rolled her eyes.

As the conversation about Quidditch continued Agatha faced Zelia. "I saw Gudgeon and McKinnon snogging in the third floor corridor before lunch."

Zelia's eyes widened. "Gudgeon and McKinnon?"

Agatha grimaced. "You're not still in love with him, are you?"

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