Diagon Alley

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"Evan! Come downstairs this instant!" Evan heard his mother shout from the ground floor. The boy rolled his eyes and stood up, he was just about to begin writing a letter to his best friend, Regulus. He walked across his room to the dark door while stretching his arms and cracking his neck.

He began descending the stairs, stumbled a bit, cursed under his breath, and began trampling again. When he reached the last five stairs–the ones visible to the sitting room, where he assumed his mother was–he changed his posture, stance and the way he walked.

"Evan, dear." Ermessende II put down her book and raised her gaze to look at her only son.

"Mother," he answered.

"Don't fret, you are not in any trouble."

"I do not have any reason to be in trouble," he lied smoothly, there were many reasons, in fact, for why he could be in trouble.

"Good," she smiled, "sit." She addressed the sofa he was standing next to.

Ermessende had an aura that radiated elegance. She sat with her back straight, one leg atop of the other and her hands resting on opposite thighs. She would raise her hand to grab the tea cup off the dark brown surface, making it seem as if it weighed less than a needle. She was a blonde, green eyed, thin woman. It was easily noted that she cared for her appearance dearly. Even in the safety of her own home, she wore red lipstick and a corset worn under a formal gown paired with high heeled shoes.

"How has your sixth year been thus far?"

"Very well."

"Good, and your studies?"

"They have also gone well."

She nodded. "I was wondering if there was anything you might need."

"Not necessarily."

"Alright, if you come up with anything, don't hesitate to ask. Even though Christmas might already be over." She smiled again.

"I will, thank you mother." Evan sent her a small smile.

"You may go." She signalled for him to get up.

He nodded and walked back to his room and began writing.


I wonder whether you would like to go with me and Barty to Diagon Alley?  I already asked him, and he accepted. I thought I might ask the girls as well, I don't think you'd much mind Agatha being there...

We're going on the 7th.

Evan Rosier

He tied the envelope to Brutus' leg and in a fraction of a second the owl flew off into the night sky. Evan watched him as he became a small dot in the horizon and then disappeared into the distance.

Evan stood in front of the window in a trance. He didn't think of anything in particular. His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his slacks, the top buttons of his blouse open. He was undeniably a very handsome boy. This led to many girls' eyes trailing after him. However, Evan only wanted Emma. They were already friends and if he were to sabotage their friendship... he would never forgive himself. He had never told anyone about it, if she were to find out... he didn't know how she would react, frankly he didn't want to know how she would react. Perhaps she would laugh in his face, perhaps shout, perhaps, possibly, she would not be against it. He did not know. He supposed that was something every boy thought about their female friends, at least he liked to think it so he didn't feel as alone. He couldn't talk about it with Regulus, since Regulus... fancied– oh good Salazar— Evan didn't know what in the name of Merlin Regulus felt for Agatha, but he surely could not talk about his feelings for Emma with the boy since, even if Regulus might've fancied Agatha, he was not in the same predicament, he was not friends with Agatha.

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