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Atticus pov:

I just tried the lollipop the nurse gave me. It tasted like rainbows and butterflies and strawberries! Well.. maybe just strawberries.. It's so yummy but I never eaten it before in my entire life!

The nurse told me she was going to get some food for me because apparently I didn't eat anything in the last few days. I tried saying I wasn't hungry but she insisted that I eat at least a few mouthfuls before my brother's arrival.

i reluctantly nodded my head and slowly laid my head down on the pillow, licking my lollipop when all of a sudden officer oz came in. Holding something in his hand.

"Hey buddy! How you feeling?" He asked, sitting down on the chair beside me.

"I dunno." I whispered out, clasping my hands together tightly.

"You nervous about your brothers?" Officer oz asked, His hands slowly petting something in his hands.

"Yea..." I said softly, looking curiously at what he was holding. " "a little bit."

"Don't worry bud, I brought my little friend here so you wouldn't be nervous anymore." He said,showing me what was in his hands. " this here, is Mr hammy My best friend. " he placed the hamster on my hands and it started walking around making me giggle.

"Adorable ain't it?" He said laughing at the sight of my face.

"It's so cute." I said smiling softly while petting Mr hammy on the head.

The door opened and the nurse came back in with a box of food and a water bottle in her hands. " a hamster?" She asked curiously. Looking at officer oz.

"Well... I figured 'Mr hammy' here would make Avery less nervous about meeting his brothers." He said smiling at me.

I returned the smile back and looked in the box the nurse was holding, she placed it down in front of me and told me to eat while handing me the utensils.

I gave back  Mr hammy to officer oz Not before trying to feed it some carrots. I frowned a bit when it didn't want to eat the carrots. So I ate it, the carrots. I mean.

Ace pov:

We got off the plane and headed towards the black matte car, Silas tailing behind me. "How long to the hospital?" I asked Silas.

"About 2 hours away from where we are." He replied. I nodded my head and got into the drivers seat while Silas sat in the front seat.

I started driving to our destination. Hoping to get there earlier so I could see Avery for the first time after 10 years. I wonder if he remembers any of us, I just miss our baby boy so much.

I already told Cason to remake avery's room so that when he gets home he'll have the best room any child could ever imagine.

We arrived to the hospital sooner than expected, I got out from the car and headed for the entrance. I spoke to the receptionist and she called Annabeth to assist us.

"Hi! As you guys know, you'll need to fill out some paperwork before being able to take your brother home. So follow me to the doctor's office.

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