♤ Introduction ♤

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♡ Jackson
General Info: 18 Years Old, Sister: Kai, Hockey Captain, Dad partners with Jay's Dad
Bestfriends: Dan, Jay, Axel, Z
Personality: funny, athletic, popular, overprotective of loved ones, romantic, loyal, clingy, strong, hot

♡ Kai
General Info: 15 Years Old, Brother: Jackson, Bestfriend: Z, Vee
Personality: stubborn, annoying, energetic, chatty when wants to, loving, caring

♡ Jay
General Info: 18 Years Old, Sister: Vee, celebrity
Bestfriends: Dan, Jackson
Personality: funny, hot, rude, athletic, loyal, crazy, strong, super rich, popular

♡ Z
General Info: 17 Years Old, Dad is an alcoholic since Mum left
Bestfriends: Kai, Vee, Jackson
Personality: funny, cute, sweet, quiet, loyal, well-known, crazy when with friends, stubborn

♡ Vee
General Info: 21 Years Old, Brother: Jay
Bestfriends: Z, Kai
Personality: funny, cute, rude, impressive, super rich

♡ Axel
General Info: 17 Years Old, Captain of Jackson's Rival Hockey Team, Dad is Mayor
Bestfriends: Dan, Jackson
Personality: popular, rude, cheats on girls, violent, rich

♡ Dan
General Info: 18 Years Old, In Jack's Hockey Team
Bestfriends: Axel, Jay, Jackson
Personality: nice, strong, weird, athletic, romantic, fun to be around

Jackson and Kai Ross have been inseperable as kids, now that they have grown up and both go to high-school, things aren't as easy.. their dad is a leader of the country's mafia and their mum, well, they never knew where she actually went.
Jay and Dan have truly made things better for Jackson as the school year goes on and life before since they were born together, Axel hasn't really made a difference.

As for Kai, she's really grateful for her bestfriend Z. They have been through thick and thin together and always stay by eachother's side no matter what. The friendship is really strong.
Although Z doesn't have an easy life, she comes home often to see her dad sleeping on the couch with a bottle next to him. She always looks for support from the Ross family.

Jay and Vee Riché are very rich people (as you can tell by their lastname) and have a lot of power. They live together without their parents although they do talk to them once in a while or when they need something.

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