Chapter 18, Part 2

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As promised, here's chapter 18..




Cross - Underline

Swap - Bold

Ink - Normal

Dream - Italic

Error - Bold and Italic

Reaper - Italic and Underline

Geno - Underline and Bold

Narrator POV

I'll.. continue.

After that... Ink was in a coma, but only for 1 week luckily, if it wasn't for our older brother, Ink would have... just died. He only had a small crack, but blood never stopped rushing.. It seems like the abandoned house was abandoned for almost a decade, and people have used it as their so called hang out. Ink.. we never told you this until now, so.. me and Reaper apologize.

I.. was in a coma?. 1 week?. REAPER?!

Seems like you didn't knew yet.. When you woke up from your coma, you forgot who big bro was. I could never forget the look of disappointment in his eyes, especially when he's the one who carried you from that crazy house straight to the hospital.

Reaper was our older brother the whole time, and I didn't knew? And YOU never told me?!

I- i just thought you would get angry at me-

Cross. Why in the whole multiverse would I ever get angry at you if you never TOLD me that Reaper was our big bro?! It was so simple and basic, yet surprising! You.. could have told me sooner. (turns away)

15 minutes passed and Error decided to break the silence.

You know.. we could try chatting Reaper.. to settle this out, ay?. To.. you know, fix the problem or your little argument.

Great idea, Error! Though that was unexpected from you..

* Dream reached out for his phone on the table and decided to text Reaper.. *

Reaper (ONLINE)


Hey Reaper

Greetings, Dream, whatcha need?

Can you meet with us?

Us? What do you mean? Plus, I'm with Geno, I probably can't ATP..

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