Chapter 12

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Nightmare: Bold

Dark: Italic

Error: Underline

It is a Sunday morning. Tomorrow, will be the fight. Nightmare had forced Dark to train to get more stronger, and he was looking forward to talk with Error. Do you wonder why? Of course, jealousy. What more could it possibly be? So, Nightmare came to Error's room to have a conversation. What do you think their talking about?.. Let's check, and see!

Just who do you think you are to steal Dark from me? I won him and I own him. You have nothing else to do, but stay quiet, because you don't know what happened back then. 

I know what happened back then because he explained it to me? Your such an idiot, I wouldn't go straight up joining this gang again if I didn't ask what happened. I wouldn't be involved either. I joined back because I want to get revenge for him, of course.

Oh your acting like his boyfriend now? How romantic, as if he'd get any feelings for you. 

For you too, dumb octopus. 


Hey guys, I'm.. back? Why were you screaming?

Ugh, nothing. He's just annoying me.

Me annoying you? You came here, just to annoy ME!

Oh please, drop the act! Anyways, why did you stop training?

Because I was tired and bored. I wanted to talk to someone.

You could always talk to me?..

Oh, uh.. thank you I guess.

Pl-ease, let me tell you the truth! Nightmare, has a crush, on you!

Wha- What?! 


Nightmare.. well.. it was.. so obvious..? 

Huh? How did you- HOW DID YOU KNOW? 

Well every time I look away, Killer tells that your staring at me. 

Oh, I'm gonna kill that boy.. 

Please don't, he's very sweet and kind!


I said he's sweet and kind!

Oh boy, chaos is coming. 

Nightmare went outside of Error's room to BEAT up Killer while Dark follows Nightmare to stop him from beating up! Error laughed so hard while Killer was running from Nightmare. It was a very, happy, fun Sunday. but Dark still doesn't know what's coming for him.  

What will happen next? 

Did Killer manage to survive? (lol jokes)

Who will win tomorrow?

Find out soon!!


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