Chapter 7

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Dark: Italic

Nightmare: Bold

   Dark wanted to go outside so bad but Nightmare wouldn't let him because he might escape. Dark said that he's tired of staying inside suffocating and wanted fresh air, but Nightmare took a minute. he realized that if he doesn't listen or obey to Dark anymore, there could be a possibility that Dark will no longer like and praise him. So Nightmare held Dark's hand and went to the roof.

Is this enough?

Yes, thank you.. master?

You can call me Nightmare if you want, since your a special guest. 

Oh, okay I guess.

Say.. now would you like to have a job? 

What kind of job?

It's fun to watch but boring when you realize its work. You just corrupt AUs in your room with your little paintbrush, that's all. 

Oh, cool. I'll accept.

How.. are you so good at drawing? Don't mind me changing the subject.

Hmm? I just draw what I like, it takes time to improve. 

I'm pretty bored, could you teach me?

Yeah, sure!

   Nightmare and Dark had lots of fun. Nightmare gained feelings for him, but Dark suddenly sensed a presence. There was someone watching them from above. Dark looked up to the sky and saw someone jumping to another building with a cloak on. Nightmare didn't notice Dark looking up because he was staring at the sketchpad. Dark ignored the person, because he's still unknown.. but he don't know what's coming for him. 

What will happen next?.. 

What will happen to Dark?

Who's in the cloak?

Find out soon.

(Very sorry for not posting for 3 days, I had a break. I also had to help my little brother with his activities. Please enjoy.) 

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