Chapter 3

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Nightmare: Bold
Horror: Underline
Cross: italic

Nightmare teleported to the castle while carrying Ink and went inside. The gang asked him who's he carrying, Nightmare responded: "No one, I saw him in the forest that's all." The gangs response was "Okay, I guess :P" Nightmare told Horror to give him new clothes and later he'll show who he really is.

Minutes later, the make up was done. As Nightmare saw "Dark", he blushed for a little bit because his gang might feel suspicious. But still, Nightmare wont care if they feel suspicious because he will reveal who Dark really is. He put Dark in a chair and made his position into a sitting one while he's asleep. Nightmare stood and shouted,


Boss, you said that you will reveal who he is right?

"Of course I did, I will never forget that."

Nightmare took off the bandage on Dark's face and revealed him. The gang was shocked to see that he was actually Ink.

How did you convince him to-
"The stars just had a little fight, that's how."
Dark opened his eyes and saw that he's tied up. Cross was shocked that his eyes were emotionless. It was black, and scary. Nightmare told the gang that it is for him to be more powerful and strong.

"He's stupid and crazy when he has emotions. But.. he grows smarter when he's emotionless. Do you get it?"
Oh.. uh.. okay.

Cross POV:
How could he do this.. this is so cruel. I need to talk with Dream and Blue! Why did he do this.. what even happened?! I need to find a solution to this.. situation!

What do you think what will happen next?
Find out soon I guess.

My Little Killing Machine (NightInk and ErrorInk)Where stories live. Discover now