Author's Note: My Addiction Journey

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I'm gutting pop/soda from my diet, which affected my chronic illnesses badly, and I'm going through massive withdrawal, so please understand I'll update when I can.
The withdrawal is like when you cut illegal drugs cold turkey, since I was severely addicted to pop/soda, so this will affect my updates alot.
Thank you guys for understanding, and I hope you guys enjoy more chapters to come, which they will as I'm recovering from severe withdrawal symptoms.
I was forced to cut it from my diet due to my kidney problems I do have and my severe IBS.
I been cut cold turkey for now going on two weeks, and if you guys noticed I'm updating more, it's because I'm trying to focus on other things than how bad my withdrawal symptoms are.
I been addicted to pop/soda most my life since I was a child, and I'm now thirty.
I'm doing this to prolong my life and better my health, and yes I'm struggling not to buy anymore soda.
I think about soda alot.
If you know what it's like having an addiction, I'm sure you will understand, especially that an ingredient in soda made me severely addicted to it.
I think it was something other than caffeine.
So my moods are varying right now.
One minute I'm okay, next minute I'm higher than a kite from me feeling happy and giddy, the next I'm grumpy from the withdrawal, so please support me in my journey to stop my soda addiction, because I'm seeing good results so far.
I'm told it'll take a year to get soda out of my system, so the withdrawal symptoms will be a long ass journey.
This is something I really need to do, and my mother wants to quit smoking, so we both are struggling with addiction, and yes you can get addicted to soda severely due to it's bad ingredients in the United States, because they put crap in it that's illegal in the United Kingdom and other countries, and our government makes foods/drinks addictive that way, them benefiting on us becoming sick, and need healthcare for illnesses, which political figures do bank in stocks on pharmacutical companies, so what we pay into insurance like buying medicine or get any treatment some politicians bank on us being chronically ill.
I know it's sickening to hear but that's why they purposely put stuff illegal in food.
That's why insulin costed alot in the United States for so long that millions of diabetics couldn't afford injections and died from it, and I had two family members die that way.
I'm doing my best.
I'm two weeks from not having a soda, and I hope my withdrawal symptoms let up soon.

I will update this story soon enough, please give me time, withdrawal symptoms last a long time, and I was ordered by my kidney doctor to gut soda so I don't become on dialysis.

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