Chapter 31

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"Are you in love with me?"

I freeze. I can't bring myself to answer her. Instead I take in her appearance. Her hair is up in a pony tale in the middle of her head. The sun from the window breaks on it, making it look shinier than ever.

She's got a pair of blue jean shorts on with an orange blouse. She looks more tan than usual too. She's even got a sunburn over her nose and some added freckles. She's summer in a picture.

I focus back to the question she just so simply asked me. "What?"

"I'm... I don't know I just..." she struggling to get out the right words. Her face turns into a full on question mark. I can't hold the grudge from this morning any longer when I see that face. The sides of my mouth curves into a smile.

"I just talked to Gaby, and to Lando this morning, and I've been thinking all day... like a lot. Then I tried to read my book and I just couldn't because I kept thinking about you and I don't know..." I feel like that's my cue to interrupt her right there.

I take two steps to get in front of her. I grab her face and and pull her towards me. Before she has time to react I place my lips over hers to shut her up. It takes a second before I feel her ease into the kiss, but once she does I regain the fluttering feel that's been sitting in my stomach from time to time for a while now.

When she places her hands around my neck, I bring mine down to grab her waist making it possible for me to pull her closer to me. Her hands find their way up into my hair. I feel her nails calmly massaging my scalp.

Once we back away from each other I try to figure out what to say next to her. A nervous feeling creeps up to me. I never find myself reaching for words when I'm around her. It's always simple, and I always feel at ease, not caring what I say and instead just speak my mind. Now on the other hand, I can't seem to find any words.

Her eyes are set on my. They seem to be looking for an answer in mine since my mouth can't seem to give her one. "Charles?"

"I think I might be," I nod to her and as I do, I search for a reaction. My heart is beating much faster now.

I wasn't planning on telling her like this, but once I did, I expected her to answer at least. Her eyes flicker around the room, it looks like she's doing everything she can to meet my gaze.

I feel a pit growing inside of me. I should've just denied it. I should've said no and we'd have been like normal now. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"Bella!" Her head turns to the door when Max yells her name from downstairs. When she looks back at me I can see her eyes starting to tear up. "Bella,"I whisper and take a step forward.

She just shakes her head. "Umm... I'll just... Charles I can't like... I don't even know." She sprints out of the room and I'm left alone. I sink down to the bed to have somewhere to sit and feel my eyes watering as well. I blink a few times to get rid of it and then I stand up again.

I swallow the lump in my throat before walking downstairs. I haven't come down after Bells left my room earlier. It's been hours.

When I take the last few steps down the stairs I find the whole group of my friends sitting around the table. Everyone is pointing in the same direction, her direction. The last step cracks when I step my foot on it, and all of the turn their heads to me.

I try to ignore the nagging feeling in my body when my eyes lock with hers. It's only for a split second though, then she looks down at the table. They're all sitting around her, most likely knowing just what happened earlier. "Don't stop on my account," I say before taking the empty chair out to sit down.

Blinded - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now