Chapter 13

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"Charles we said we were only gonna be friends."


I had found Charles sitting alone at the bar and went up to talk to him. When I only received about four words from him in the matter of two minutes of me talking, I pulled him up from his seat and dragged him out of there. With the club being so crowded, we had to get outside.

"So why are you suddenly acting like this as soon as you see I'm on one date? I'm guessing you saw the pictures." I'm not meaning to come off as rude but he does piss me of a bit, and maybe the alcohol is pushing the anger out of me as well.

"I'm not acting like anything Isabella." He sighs the words.

"Then why are you using my whole name?"

We're walking along the beach and I grab his arm beside me and watch him closely. "You always call me Bells." I whine. He turns around to look at me when he feels me this close and I earn a smile from him.

"You know what? You're right, I'm being childish. I was just a little offended that you didn't tell me." I smile at him and let go of his arm, not fully believing him. He doesn't seem to be genuine.

I take a few seconds to find my stability again as I realize I've lost the count of drinks I've had tonight. Charles on the other hand doesn't seem nearly as drunk as I am, probably because he's basically sober.

"It was just weird. The whole day."

"What do you mean? Did he do anything?" He's concerned.

"No no, but it felt just wrong. Like I didn't wanna be there. Not that I can't date, but I didn't want to date him." He nods and we stop.

I sit myself down in the sand and he gives me a look as in 'I'm-definitely-not-doing-that' but he doesn't have lots of choices. Against his will, he sits himself down right next to me.

"I want us to be friends, close enough to tell each other all of our lives. I want you to be the one I come to whenever." I watch him as those words leave his lips and then he gives me a smile.

"I think I would like that too. There are things I never talk about, and it's killing me sometimes." I tremble and stumble over the words.

"Next time you feel like that, promise me you'll call. As long as I'm not in the car, I will always pick up, I promise you." Racing car, he means. As we sit here, I feel myself sober up a bit and I find myself nod to him.

"I will, thank you Charlie." In this one moment, he doesn't mention the nickname, it's not the importance of the conversation. Or maybe he just doesn't have the energy after the race today.

I wake up feeling something soft beneath me. I open my eyes and watch the sand in my hands, in my hair and glued to my skin.

When I sit myself up I'm blocked by something heavy laying over my torso. I switch my sight to it and I see Charles' arm, snaked 'round my waist. I softly lift it up so that I can sit up properly.

My head is aching in a way I've never felt before. I stay sat there beside the guy I've come to realize is pretty amazing. Despite our ups and downs in the past, I think last night could be a turning point for us.

I'm more comfortable with him now than I am with a majority of the people I know. We haven't even known each other for that long but right now, when I sit right next to him and watch him snooze, I feel as secure as I do with Gaby.

Charles starts moving beside me. "Good morning." I say to him, keeping my eyes on the water where small, calm waves roll back and forth.

"Hey" he sits himself up as well and turns his head towards me. "How are you feeling today? You were pretty wasted last night." I laugh at that. I can see a hint of worry in his eyes, maybe he's worried I don't remember our talk a couple of hours ago.

Blinded - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now