Chapter 30

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"Bella seriously, you can't say you guys are still just friends." I look at Isa. We're sitting on the patio on the backside of the house we rented, doing our makeup ahead of the evening.

"I mean... we are just friends," I reply. Both Isa and Gaby groan to my answer, not believing one word of it. I grab my tube of mascara.

In that second we all move our heads to the door. It opens and a head sticks out. "Bells, where's you suitcase?" I look at Charles, bringing down my mascara brush while talking to him. I frown to his question.

"It's in my room, Charles. Why?" The girls are smirking beside me.

"You have the shirt I wanna wear tonight, right?" he asks with a wishful expression and I nod before he heads into the house again, most likely on his way to throw my clothes all over my room. I turn back to Gaby and Isa, met by two knowing looks.

"C'mon, he left that shirt with me ages ago and I knew he'd want it so I brought it here," I shrug. The girls look at each other and then just nod to pretend to agree with me and I finish doing my lashes.

"Bellaaa, shots right now!" Lando is shouting so loud in my ear I'm convinced I'll get tinnitus by the end of the night if he continues. I give him a thumbs up and accept the shot in his hand. We down them in a second and laugh together at the taste of them.

The presence of somebody behind me becomes significant. The feeling of two hands stroking my waist and then coming around to hug me from behind. I turn in his embrace to be met by two green eyes, staring back at me.

"Hey." He pulls me into a hug and sways us back and forth.

"Hi," he whispers in my ear, creating shivers down my spine.

"Charles if you keep doing this people will start to think we're not just friends," I warn him but he just keeps us moving around to the sound of the music, his hand on my hips.

"I don't care, I need you." His words drags up the corners of my mouth.

"Well, that sound like a you problem," I joke with him and he brings me in closer, causing me to laugh.

"It is a me problem, and you are going to help me with it." He's so close to my ear now that I can feel the touch of his lips when he speaks. I lean my head back, laughing.

"You have to contain yourself mr. Leclerc." I feel his hold on me tighten.

"You know how bad I am at resisting you, Luca." I love it when he calls me that. He's the only one who does, which makes it special.

He keeps rubbing circles on my hips, making my eyes roll to the back of my mind. One more look from him and I cave. "Fine, let's go then. No one's back at the house yet." He nods with a grin on his face, grabs my hand and starts walking to the exit.

For the second time during the last twenty four hours, I wake up next to my best friend. The difference between this morning and on the plane is that the amount of clothes has lessened a lot.

I turn around to face him. His arms is still lying over my waist. He doesn't wake up when I move but he does bring me in closer once I'm facing him. I'm now pressed against his bare chest, feeling the warmth of his body against my chest and face.

I scrunch up my nose and blink a few times to try and wake up. I look over Charles's shoulder to make sure the door to his room is closed. To my luck it is. I breath out in relief, thankful for the privacy.

I try to wiggle out of Charles's grip, tough it's much harder than I thought it would be. Especially when he starts waking up and realizes I'm trying to get away from him. When he begins a yawn I take the opportunity to try and sit up.

Blinded - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now