Chapter 26

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Waking up this morning could be described as getting stabbed in the head by twelve knives at the same time.

The headache I have right now is probably worse than I've ever experienced before. I shuffle around the bed to warm up as I don't have any clothes on and it's freezing in my room.

Wait, why don't I have clothes on?

As I try to sit up I feel a pair of strong arms snaked around me, making it a bit more difficult. I turn to see my best friend sleeping like a baby beside me.

"What the fuck," I mumble to myself and try to rethink last night events. When the memories of him and I rushing back to the hotel are thrown back at me I suddenly feel the headache not only in my head, but in my whole body.

I slept with him. I slept with Charles. Oh dear lord.

I mean we've joked around for a long time about it so it's not the craziest thing to happen, but still. I wasn't expecting myself to go trough with it for real.

Gently, I lift his arm up and sit up in the bed. I reach for my phone to see if I have any messages or anything. After my drunken call to Charles in Greece, I now always make sure to check my phone history the day after a night out.

Weirdly I find Max's name on top of the list, saying we spoke on the phone last night at two in the morning. Surely me and Charles had come home by then because I've got a picture of us in the hotel elevator, both drunk as hell, which was taken at 01:48.

That's weird.

As I keep going trough my phone, watching stories and such, Charles starts moving around in the bed. I shift my eyes to him and watch with an amused look as he realizes he's not in his own bed.

I let out a laugh as I see his panicked stare, which stays on his face until he looks up and sees that it's none other than my bed he's in. His eyes soften and his dimples carve right into his cheeks as he chuckles with me.

"Well, good morning." His voice is raspy. It somehow manages to put a massive smile on my face.

"Sure it is," I answer him, not breaking eye contact.

"So..." He sits up in the bed as well, exposing his bare chest and stomach. I however am holding the duvet over my breasts, not showing off too much. "...should we talk about last night?" He continues.

"I guess. I mean I remember us, and everything. Though I can't seem to make up when during the time we were here that I spoke to Max. My call history says we spoke on the phone last night." Charles's smile suddenly turns into a smirk instead.

"Well, he sort of called you when we were in the middle of... things," he starts and I figure out the rest without him telling me. Though he continuing in-spite of my wide open mouth. "I kinda made you answer him as I..." I nod to him, the memories slowly coming back to me.

"Oh my god," I start. He's laughing at me now as I bury my face in my hands. He puts an arm around me and pull me towards him playfully.

"It's not that bad, come on. He probably didn't notice anything." He tries to reassure me with his words but as he says them at the same time as he's laughing, they don't calm me down very much.

"No it's not that bad, it's worse. I work with him, Charles. I'm gonna see him like everyday." That only makes him laugh harder than before. "Stop, it's not funny. He almost heard me come!" Charles smirks at me.

"Good memories." He's saying this with a romantic, sentimental voice to which I send him a glare.

"Not the time, Charles." He puts his hands up in surrender before standing up to get dressed. I watch him do so for a moment.

"You're creepy-staring at me." I shake my head in disagreement.

"Not at all. I'm patiently waiting for you to be done so you can hand me my clothes." His face turn into a frown as he puts on the shirt he wore last night.

"And you can't get them yourself because...?" He closes almost every button, leaving the top two open.

"Because I'm not wearing anything right now, so you'd be very kind to give me a hand," I explain to him.

"Well here's something you apparently don't know about me..." he starts while he's walking to the couch where my clothes lay. "I'm not that kind." And then he sits down on the couch, watching me with a smirk on his face.

Sure, it's not like he didn't see every centimeter of my body just a couple of hours ago, but it's somehow very different now.

"I hate you a lot sometimes," I glare at him. He just laughs at me, and my attempt to find something to wear with the duvet around the whole of my body.

I walk over to my suitcase with the duvet like a dress around me and pick up a pair of underwear, a white tank top, a bra and a pair of black yoga pants. Then I strut into the other room and quickly get changed before I return to the room where Charles is still sat on the couch.

I make the bed somehow decent looking before brushing through my hair and putting it up in a ponytail.

We walk together out of the room towards the elevator. I try not to look out the windows as the light is killing my head, even with sunglasses on. Charles has his phone in his hand, writing on an email. God does this man ever stop working?

"Can you press the button?" I ask him as he's standing closer to it than I am. It takes him a few seconds which makes me a little cranky. I'm really not a morning person. "Charles please?"

As I say that he looks up at me with a smirk on his face. "Now you're giving me flashbacks," he utters as he presses the button and putting his phone back into his blue jeans. I smack his arm before walking into the elevator. I can hear his annoying laughter behind me as he gets in beside me.

As we walk into the dining hall for breakfast we spot some of the drives sitting there, already eating. We make our way over to them.

Max, Lando and Carlos all turn their heads towards us and give us three huge smiles. "Good morning, lovers!" Lando expresses and I roll my eyes at him.

I leave my phone in the empty seat next to him and leave for the food buffet without a word. Charles does the same and comes up right after me. "This'll be fun," he teases and I watch him with a 'really?' look.

"That's one way to put it." He laughs at my answer and we both stand in line to get to the food. I only place some fruit on my plate, and to my luck Charles doesn't say much about it.

"Stop being so grumpy, they don't know anything." I look up at him and he gives me a soft smile, not teasing or anything. I return it before I dig into the buffet.

"The way I see it, you only gained on last night. I mean you scored with probably the hottest guy you'll ever find." And I'm back to rolling my eyes at him. His smug smile shines trough my face even though I'm not looking straight at him.

"Just shut up for once." I try to say it with a straight face but my grin is obvious on my face as I say that.

I sit down awkwardly at the table with Charles across from me. I'm hoping the guys don't say anything to joke with us. I'm not in luck as it takes Lando about three seconds before he opens his big mouth. "So how was your night, guys? I heard you went home early."

I look at him, and then on Max, and then quickly on Charles before returning to Lando. "Early is a bit excessively. We were home by two I think," I answer him without mentioning much more.

"Yeah, well I hope you had fun anyway." I roll my eyes as Lando is one second away from bursting into laughter.

"Oh we had reeally fun," I tell him playfully and send him a wink. His mouth falls open and looks between me and Charles. It's really just a joke but I do find it funny seeing his reaction.

"Does that mean you guys are like...?" Of course we're not. I wait a few seconds to scare him a little before I answer.

Just as Charles is about to say something I start, "no, we're not Lando. We're just friends, right?" I look at Charles and he just gives me a quick smile and a nod.

"Of course"

Blinded - Charles LeclercDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora